Paths meet

654 14 1

For the past couple of days both teams readied themselves for the regional tournament and a last the day of the tournament came."Tatsumi! Aichi! Hurry up we're going to be late!!" Lawrence yelled. "Coming!!" Tatsumi yelled back. "Took you long enough" Lawrence sighed. "Sorry there was a lot of traffic on the way." Aichi stated. "You guys ready?" Kousuke asked. "You bet we are going to win this thing!" Tatsumi smiled. "Yeah let's do it!" Lawrence smiled. Aichi and Kousuke nodded in response and they headed into the building.

"Alright whose going to fight first?" Lawrence asked. "I think Aichi should" Tatsumi suggested. Aichi immediately shook his head. "Oh come on Aichi your the strongest on our team" Tatsumi smiled. Aichi still shock his head. "Alright I'll go first and Aichi your second okay?" Lawrence suggested. "Okay" Aichi replied. "Then I'll take the third match" Kousuke smiled. "Wh-What!!" Tatsumi yelled. "Hahaha sorry but first come first serve right?" Kousuke laughed. "Fine but I'm battling first in the next round." Tatsumi sighed. Everyone agreed and headed to the battle area. The team easily got passed the first and second rounds and now we're in the semi finals.

"Lunch time!" Lawrence smiled. "I brought lunch so dig in!" Kousuke smiled. Lunch look delicious and they immediately dug in. "So what's the order going to be for the next round?" Tatsumi asked. "Hmm I think we should have me first, Tatsumi second and Aichi third." Kousuke suggested. "Wait why should Aichi go third?" Tatsumi asked. "Because generally the strongest players on the team goes third." Kousuke replied. "I see no problem with the order let's do it!" Lawrence smiled. "Alright and what about the finals?" Tatsumi asked. "I'm going to sit out for the finals so Lawrence can take my place. Aside from that I think we should keep the order the same." Kousuke explained. "Alright!" Lawrence yelled. The team made it through the semi finals and won the finals with no losses.

"That was a lot of fun!" Tatsumi cheered. "Sure was I cant wait for nationals" Lawrence replied. "Same here I wonder who we will be fighting" Kousuke stated. "All I hope is that we don't get paired up against team Asteroid" Tatsumi replied. "Isn't team Asteroid the team that won nationals last year?" Aichi asked. "Yep! They are really strong so if we are going to fight them we have to get stronger!" Lawrence smiled. "Well then nationals start next week lets train!" Tatsumi cheered. Everyone nodded and they headed home to train.

"Winner Toshiki Kai!" The judge announced. "Great job Kai!" Miwa smiled. Kai didn't reply he only took his seat. The team had won the first and second rounds and were currently in the semi final battles. They had won every round with two wins and zero losses.

"Winner Taishi Miwa!" the judge announced. "Alright I won!!" Miwa cheered. "Great job Miwa!" Haruki smiled. "That was a great match!" Saki smiled. Kai didn't say anything but he did nod and that made Miwa smile. "Alright let's decide battle order for the final round" Saki suggested. Everyone agreed. "How about me first, Saki second and Kai third if we get to it!" Haruki suggested. "That sounds good to me!" Miwa smiled. "Yeah" Kai agreed. "Then it's settled" Saki smiled. Then the finals begun.

"Winner team Cuatro Incendios!" The judge announced. "Alright we did it!" Miwa cheered. They won two matches in a row. Kai smiled. "Now we have to get ready for nationals" Saki stated. "Yeah no kidding I'm pretty sure the teams at nationals will be stronger than the teams here!" Haruki replied. "I agree" Kai stated. "Well let's not waste anytime and get training!" Miwa cheered. Then the team went home to train for the nationals.

A week later...
Both teams train all week for nationals and it was finally the day.
"Nationals here we come!" Miwa shouted. Finally they reached the stadium where Nationals are being held. "I wonder who we will be fighting first" Saki stated. "I agree. We could end up against team Caesar or even worst team Asteroid." Haruki replied. "We'll just have to wait and see." Kai replied. "Well let's not waste time standing here let's go!" Miwa suggested as he ran in. Saki, Haruki and Kai ran too.

"Alright time to explain how the preliminaries of the national tournament will be held. First we will spit the thirty-two teams into eight blocks. Putting four teams in each. Then every team will fight each other. At the end we will record the results and decide which teams will move forward. Two teams from each block will move forward. Therefore afterwards there will be a total of sixteen teams left." They announced. "I wonder who will be in our block" Miwa stated. "Same here either way we'll win!" Haruki smiled. Then the blocks were shown. "Looks like we're in A block." Saki replied. "The other teams in A block are team Spider, team Jurassic Army and team Sorakaze. We have this one in the bag!" Haruki cheered. "Don't underestimate your opponents" Kai stated. "You have a point. I don't know any of these teams nor how they play,  so we don't know how strong they are going to be." Saki replied. "Let's do our best!" Miwa cheered. "Agreed" Saki smiled. "Alright the first match of A block will be between team Cuatro Incendios and team Sorakaze. Both teams are new to Nationals but they both showed great strength at regionals." They announced. "Hmm this is going to be interesting." Saki smiled.

"We're playing first!" Aichi panicked. "Hahaha seems like it calm down Aichi. How about you play in the third match if we get to it" Kousuke suggested. "Alright" Aichi agreed. "Alright the first match is between Saki and Tatsumi!" They announced. "Saki?that name seem familiar to me" Aichi thought. "So your new to Nationals too huh" Tatsumi stated. "Yeah it pretty nerve racking to be first" Saki replied. "No kidding well let's do our best and have fun!" Tatsumi smiled. Saki looked a bit surprised but quickly smiled. "Yeah" Saki agreed. "Alright begin!" The judge announced. "STAND UP, MY, VANGUARD!!" They announced and the battle begun. "Winner Saki!" The judge announced. "That was a great match." Saki smiled. "Yeah your really strong" Tatsumi smiled. "Same to you. That match was actually pretty close." Saki smiled. The. The two shook hands and went back to their team. "Sorry guys" Tatsumi bowed. "No don't apologize you did great!" Aichi comforted. Tatsumi smiled. "Alright my turn" Kousuke smiled. "Good luck!" Aichi stated. "Thanks" Kousuke replied.

"The next match is between Haruki and Kousuke!" The judge announced. "Alright you ready?" Haruki asked. "Yeah what about you?" Kousuke asked. "I'm ready." Haruki smiled. "STAND UP, VANGUARD!!" They announced and the battle begun. The battle ended in Kousuke's victory. "That was a fun match" Kousuke smiled. "Yeah let's fight again sometime" Haruki replied. "Yeah sounds like a plan" Kousuke replied. Then the two went back to their team. "Alright Aichi your up!" Kousuke smiled. "Y-Y-Yeah" Aichi stuttered. "Good luck!" Tatsumi smiled. "Thanks" Aichi smiled back.

"Sorry guys I lost" Haruki bowed. "It's alright. We should have the next one in the bag since Kai's fighting" Miwa replied. "Good point. Kai's the strongest Cardfighters on our team I don't think anyone in this block could defeat him" Haruki smiled. Kai then got up and walked out to the battle area. "The next match is between Toshiki Kai and Aichi Sendou!" The judge announced. Kai was shocked to what he heard. "Aichi? But that's impossible" Kai thought. Then when he looked over to see his opponent he saw Aichi. Saki, Haruki and Miwa were also shocked at the announcement. "Aichi?" Saki stated shocked. "It might be someone else" Haruki replied. "I don't think so" Miwa replied. When he saw Kai's opponent. "A-Aichi?" Kai asked. When Aichi saw him he was also surprised and he remembered that Kai was there at the hospital when he woke up, and he also played vanguard with him as well. "Kai!" Aichi smile and he ran towards Kai and gave him a hug knocking Kai to the floor in the process. "A-Aichi? But how? I thought you were" Kai started but couldn't finish because he started crying and hugged Aichi back. "Well Kai let's fight!" Aichi smiled as they got up. "Let's do it Aichi" Kai smiled. Then the two walked over. "STAND UP, THE, VANGUARD!!" They announced flipping over their starting vanguards and the match begun. The match ended with Kai winning. "That was fun!" Aichi smiled. "Yeah" Kai replied. But then Aichi fainted. "Aichi!" Kai yelled and ran over to Aichi.

That's the end of the chapter. I finally got an idea for this chapter. Well anyway I'm sorry for the long wait. Writers block is a real pain and I have it again. I have no idea on what to put into the next chapter. It will be a while until the next chapter is released but in the meantime I will write some other stories. Basically I'm going to take a break from this book for a while. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading!!

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