Friends and Voices

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"Hey let me out hey!!" Aichi yelled banging on the door. "Sorry but I'm not going to let you out and no one will. After all if I'm not careful you will steal those boys away from us." The girl replied. "What do you mean?" Aichi asked. "Don't play dumb. Well anyway I better get going have a fun time in there Aichi" the girl sneered. "P-P-Please let me out please" Aichi cried. "Please" Aichi whispered.

"Where's Aichi the tournaments going to start start soon" Miwa asked. "I don't know" Kai replied. Then they saw the girl that Aichi was supposedly helping. The two ran over to her. "Hey where's Aichi?" Kai asked. "Well Aichi told me to tell hsyou that she doesn't want to be around you guys anymore" the girl replied. "Huh Aichi would never say anything like that" Miwa stated. "I thought Aichi was nice at first too but she said she won't be seeing you guys anymore" the girl replied. "This is ridiculous" Kai muttered then he started to leave. "Hey wait you can't leave you have already sighed up for the tournament" the girl called. "Doesn't matter we can't play with only two people" Kai replied. "I can play as your third member" the girl suggested. "Aichi is our teammate not you" Kai replied harshly. The girl was shocked and started crying. "Hey Kai let's just let her play. Aichi is probably just in a bad mood so we should probably give him some time to himself" Miwa replied. Despite not liking the suggestion Kai went along with Miwa's suggestion because it seemed reasonable. The tournament started. Throughout the tournament girls were continuously cheering and watching Kai and Miwa. Kai found it really annoying while Miwa just kinda laughed it off. The tournament ended with Kai and Miwa's team as the victor. "Congratulations" many girls smiled. And Miwa would always reply with "thanks" while Kai just kept silent. Once that was all done Kai and Miwa decided to go back to the trailer to see if Aichi was there. Then they opened the door. "Aichi? Aichi? Are you here?" Miwa asked. However the only answer he got was dead silence. They looked around to see if Aichi was just playing hide-and-go-seek with them however that wasn't the case and as time went on the more Kai and Miwa were worried.

Aichi was still in the closet with his knee tucked in to his chest with his arms around them. When he heard the door open he immediately looked up and saw the girl from earlier along with some others. "I believe I will be nice and slow you to come out now" the girl smiled. However the look in her eyes made Aichi stay put. The girl waited a bit until she got fed up and just plain annoyed. "Okay come on" she yelled grabbing Aichi arm making him get out. Once he was out of the closet she threw him across the room and his head hit the table. Then the table started shaking and a glass fell on top of Aichi's head and shattered when it hit. "Oh look at what you've done clean the glass up now!" The girl yelled. Aichi was frightened so he did as he was told and pick up the glass however he continuously cut himself in the process. "Kai, Miwa please help" Aichi thought. Once he was finished cleaning up the glass the girl walked over to him again. "Well took you long enough" the girl smirked. "P-P-Please l-l-let m-m-me g-go n-now" Aichi stuttered. The look on his face was of pure terror and fear. The girl was a bit surprised at this but the glared intensely at him. "So this is how you managed to get those two huh. Sly" the girl smirked. She looked almost amused and when Aichi saw that he froze in place and started shaking intensely. "Well anyway kid your going nowhere anytime soon, after all you will merely be in the way, therefore you will be my slave" The girl explained. On her face was a grin but it seemed more like a smirk than anything else. When Aichi heard this he was in complete panic but then he heard a voice. "Aichi run away, run away Aichi" Aichi heard. Even though he didn't know who the voice belonged to he did what it suggested and bolted for the door. The girl noticed right away and went after him however she ended up tripping over her own feet making her fall face first into the ground. She quickly recovered and ran after Aichi surprised at how fast he was. "I got away but where do I go?" Aichi wondered. "Continue down this road then turn left at the second street. The go down that street and then go down the first section on the right." Aichi heard. He was unsure whether or not to trust what he was hearing but did anyway knowing he didn't have very many options so he did as it said and eventually made it to where Kai, Miwa and himself were staying. A big smile formed on his face and he ran towards the door and on he reached it he immediately opened it. When he did he saw the pillows and blankets on the ground, cupboards open drawers open and Kai and Miwa crouched over the sofa. "Kai? Miwa?" Aichi called out. Kai and Miwa looked towards him and ran over to him. "Where have you been bud we have been looking for ya" Miwa asked slapping Aichi on the back. "Well" Aichi started but got cut off when Kai and Miwa gave him a hug. "Thanks for coming back" Miwa whispered. Aichi was a bit confused by his words but gave them a hug back and smiled. "It's good to be back" Aichi whispered back. "I wonder who gave me directions to get here?" Aichi wondered.

That's the end of the book! I'm going to end the book here and then I will start on the next book and I will probably make it the last book but who knows I might make another one. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

For book 4 I'm dedicating it to my friend VJ-CFV!

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