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"Aichiiiiii Aichi come on you need to wake up" Aichi heard as he felt someone shaking him. He slowly opened his eyes and the saw Kai and Miwa. "Hey Kai, Miwa" Aichi yawned. "We're here" Miwa smiled. "Where?" Aichi asked. "You don't remember we're in Paris!" Miwa smiled. "P-Paris!" Aichi gasped. "Yep well we need to get off the plane okay" Kai stated. "Okay" Aichi replied. Then they grabbed their stuff and exited the plane. "Well anyway the camping area is outside the city so let's take the bus." Miwa explained. "Wait then why did we take a plane here?" Aichi asked. "Because this is the closest airport to our location" Kai replied. "I see" Aichi muttered. Eventually they got onto the bus and headed off. After about an hour they finally arrived at the camp site. The camp site was actually a trailer park. Inside were multiple trailers, a pool, parks, a splash pad and a hub.(a hub is basically a building that the park has some events inside. Sometimes there's a candy store or an arcade inside as well) "wow this place is amazing!" Aichi smiled. "I think you may have gone overboard Miwa" Kai stated. "Well don't forget the occasion. This is for Aichi after all." Miwa replied. "So where are we staying?" Kai asked. "Well first we have to go into the hub to get the keys" Miwa replied. "Keys?" Kai asked. "Yeah I rented out a trailer here for a week" Miwa replied. "I still think this is overkill" Kai replied. "Well let's go!" Miwa cheered.

After grabbing the keys they headed off the trailer Miwa rented out. Inside the trailer was a bedroom in the back, a small living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. "This is nice" Miwa commented. "Yeah. Miwa just how much did you spend on this?" Kai asked. "Dunno somewhere around 1200000 yen" Miwa replied. Aichi was shocked at the price. "T-T-That much?" Aichi stuttered. "Yep don't worry a while ago I entered a lottery and ended up winning 2000000 yen so really it's nothing to worry about" Miwa replied. "How can I pay you back?" Aichi asked. "Calm down you don't have to" Miwa replied. "B-B-But-" Aichi stuttered. "Aichi calm down look I did this of my own free will so it's fine" Miwa replied. Even so Aichi didn't look happy." Come on Aichi cheer up, after all you should be happy you are finally out of bed." Kai smiled. Then Aichi smiled. "Well anyway we should unpack our things!" Miwa suggested. "Good idea" Kai replied. Aichi just nodded.

Then they grabbed their bags and brought them to the bedroom however to their surprise there was only one bed and on top of that it was a double bed. "Miwa?" Kai asked. "Yeah" Miwa replied. "Why is there only one bed?!"  Kai yelled. "Look I swear that the website said that the bedroom would have three beds" Miwa replied. "Where's the website?" Kai asked. "Here" Miwa replied showing Kai his phone that had the parks website on it. "Miwa it says the options other are single or double bed and you picked double." I what?" Miwa gasped. "This trailer was meant for one person. What you did was that you pushed the icon on top of purchase and picked double then you hit purchase without realizing the meaning behind the options." Kai explained. "Oh now I remember yeah I was half asleep when I did that oops" Miwa laughed. "Miwa your sleeping on the floor" Kai demanded. "Wait what!" Miwa yelled. "It's okay for Miwa to sleep in the bed" Aichi smiled. "Why thank you Aichi" Miwa smiled. "I can sleep on the floor instead I don't mind" Aichi stated. "Nope your sleeping in the bed for sure" Kai replied. "Kai's right Aichi after all you don't want to hurt yourself considering on how weak your body is right now" Miwa replied. "Well then um maybe we could all sleep in it together" Aichi suggested. Kai and Miwa were surprised at Aichi's suggestion and started blushing as an end result though they did agree to the suggestion in the end.

Then they placed their bags in the room but we're now stuck on what to do. "So um what do you guys want to do?" Miwa asked. "Well um what time is it?" Kai asked. "It is 3pm here back home it is probably around 10pm" Aichi replied. "Well we're not very tired considering how we all slept on the way so then how about we go for a walk around the park so that we can see what's here" Miwa suggested. "That's a good idea lets go" Aichi smiled. Then the placed their shoes on their feet and head out the door. "Oh yeah I forgot this place is going to hold a vanguard tournament around 5 and it's also a team event so do you guys want to participate?" Miwa asked. "Yeah" Aichi smiled. "Sure" Kai replied. "Great well then we have about 2 hours to do whatever" Miwa smiled. Then some girls walked over to them. "Hey we haven't seen you guys around you new here" one asked. "Yeah more or less" Miwa replied. "Well we could show you guys around" another girl suggested. "Really that would be great" Miwa smiled. Then all the girls started blushing and squealing. "Are you okay?" Aichi asked. When he did all the girls glared at him even so Aichi just ignored it. "Well let's go!" One girl smiled. Then the girls gave them a tour around the park. Whenever Miwa or Kai talked they would be all giggly and such however for some reason they were pretty cold towards Aichi. "Did I do something wrong?" Aichi wondered. Since he knew that if he talked he would only get glares from the girls he decided to just keep quite. Eventually it was almost time for the tournament to begin. "Well ladies thanks for the tour but we have to get going" Miwa stated. "Are you sure you have to go?" One girl asked. "Yeah we are entering the Vanguard tournament and we have to go sign up" Miwa replied. "I see well um if you want we could be your teammates" one girl suggested pointing to herself and another girl. "Sorry but the three of us are already a team" Miwa replied. "I see well can we at least cheer you on?" The girl suggested. "Yeah thats appreciated" Miwa smiled. "Oh yeah you what's your name?" The girl asked Aichi. "I'm Aichi Sendou" Aichi replied. "Nice to meet you Aichi well can you help us out for a minuet?" The girl asked. Before Aichi could reply the girl grabbed his arm and dragged him away. "Hey wait!" Kai called. "It's okay your teammate will be back in time don't worry" the girl waved. Kai and Miwa just decided to go on ahead knowing that Aichi is smart enough to get there on time. "Hey really I'm sorry but I have to go" Aichi called. "Nope sorry but you won't be going with them" the girl replied. "What?" Aichi asked. Then the girl shoved him into a closet and locked him in.

That's the end on the chapter. This one was fun to write however the title was a bit hard. Well anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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