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Kai opened the door....
They all froze when they saw Aichi sitting up in bed. "Aichi!!" They yelled and they ran up to him and gave him a hug. "You guys!" Aichi smiled. They were all so happy to be able to see each other again. "Growllll" they all heard they took a step back. "I'm hungry" Aichi stated. Then they realized it was Aichi's stomach. They all laughed. "Makes sense you have been unconscious for an entire month after all." Kousuke smiled. "I will go get you something to eat. What would you like Aichi?" Miwa asked. "Anything's fine. I remember you and Kai went to get me food when I was in the hospital about four years ago" Aichi smiled. Kai and Miwa were surprised. "Y-You remember?" Kai asked. Aichi nodded and smiled. Kai and Miwa smiled as well. "Took you long enough" Miwa teased. "Sorry" Aichi bowed. "Hahaha I'm just teasing ya!" Miwa laughed. "I also remember you and Kai called me prin-" Aichi started but was stopped when Kai swiftly covered Aichi's mouth. Then Aichi noticed both his and Miwa's face were cheery red. "Kai?" Aichi asked. When Kai removed his hand. "Please don't talk about that" Kai stated. "Are you okay?" Aichi asked. Kai looked at him confused. "I'm fine why?" Kai replied. "Because you face was red" Aichi replied. Then everyone in the room except Aichi Kai and Miwa laughed. Then Kai and Miwa swiftly left the room flustered.

"I'm so glad Aichi's awake" Miwa stated. "Same here, though I wonder how all his memories returned and why he was asleep so long" Kai responded. "You make a good point. I mean he all of a sudden faints, and then is asleep for a month, and then he wakes up with all of his memories returned?"Miwa replied. "Well let's just be glad that he's back to normal" Kai smiled. Miwa was a bit surprised to see Kai smile again, considering on how he hadn't of smiled for the past month. Then Miwa smiled too. "Your right" Miwa smiled. "I don't know why but I have a really bad feeling" Kai thought. "I wonder what we should get for Aichi" Miwa stated. "Hmm considering in how he's been asleep for so long probably something with a lot of nutrients so that he can get his strength back." Kai replied. "I agree, what about curry then! It has lots of nutrients and I'm pretty sure Aichi likes curry" Miwa suggested. "Good idea lets go" Kai replied.

"Aichi! Aichi where are you? Aichi!!" Monica called. Then a boy stood in front of her. "Aichi Sendou has returned home on Earth." The boy replied. "Earth? But why?" Monica asked. "Because that's where he belongs" the boy replied. "What do you mean?" Monica asked. "Aichi Sendou was born on Earth. He was given the option whether to stay here or go back. I brought him here in order for him to regain his memories and that is the only reason. I gave him a choice either to stay here on Cray or to go back to Earth. He choose to stay here for a bit and to return later. He merely decided to go home then." The boy replied. "Well will he ever come back?" Monica asked. The boy shook his head. "No he won't be able to come back here ever again." The boy replied. "Why won't he?" Monica asked. "It's because crossing dimensions to many times could be fatal. Crossing over once is alright however twice could be dangerous. Therefore if he did return he could die in the process." The boy replied. Monica was shocked at the boy words. "Do you know why he lost his memories in the first place?" Monica asked. The boy nodded. "It's because of brain damage and mental stress" the boy replied. "If that's the case why would you let him go back to a a world like that!!?" Monica yelled. "I gave him the option and he made his choice that's all" The boy replied. "Is there anything we can do to stop the pain he might go through?" Monica asked. "Well...." The boy started.

"We're back with food!!" Miwa cheered as he opened the door. Everyone looked over and saw Kai and Miwa with a cart. On the cart was eight plates of curry and eight boxes of juice. "There's enough for everyone!" Miwa cheered. "Thanks you guys" Aichi smiled. The Miwa handed everyone a plate of curry and juice. "What happened with Nationals?" Aichi asked. "We decided to drop out" Kousuke replied. Aichi was surprised at his answer. "B-But why?" Aichi asked. "It's because we were worried about you" Saki smiled. "I'm sorry" Aichi bowed. Everyone was surprised at the sudden apology. "Why are you apologizing?" Kai asked. "It's because of me that you guys weren't able to participate at the national tournament" Aichi replied. "Don't be silly Aichi. We chose to drop out it isn't your fault" Kai replied. "Kai's right. This was our decision besides it would make all of us guilty if we continued participating at nationals without you there." Miwa smiled. "B-But" Aichi started. "That's enough" Kai sighed. Then he stood up and walked over to Aichi. "We can always participate in the next national tournament and next time your will be there" Kai smiled. Then he ruffled Aichi's hair. Aichi blushed as he did so and look downward.

"Aichi!" Then heard they looked towards the door and saw a women with blue hair and eyes and a girl with peach hair and eyes. "Hi Mom. Hi Emi" Aichi smiled. The two girls were surprised by Aichi's words and then ran up and hugged him. "I'm so glad" Shizuka smiled. "Aichi!!" Emi cried. Everyone else felt a bit awkward to be in the presence of this. Eventually Shizuka and Emi got off of Aichi. "Aichi where have you been?" Shizuka asked. She had a worried look on her face. "What happened Aichi?" Emi asked. Everyone else was also curious but decided not to ask. "Well..." Aichi explained everything that had happened over the last while. "I see" Shizuka muttered. "It's okay Mom it could have ended worst" Aichi smiled. "True" Emi agreed. "I'm impressed you managed to escape" Saki stated. "Well it wasn't easy" Aichi replied. "I'm just glad to have you back safe and sound" Shizuka smiled. "Yeah" Aichi smiled back.

That's the end of the chapter! I have been making these chapter much shorter than the chapters in the first and second books. Mainly because I have gotten busy ever since school started again. Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading!

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