Outfit delema

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"Yo Aichi!" Miwa called as he opened the door. Aichi got out of the hospital once he was finished going through rehabilitation. Even so Aichi still had trouble moving so he mainly rested at home. "Hello Miwa" Aichi smiled. "Hi Aichi" Kai smiled. "Hey Kai" Aichi replied. "Guess what Aichi" Miwa started. "What?" Aichi asked. "We are going camping!" Miwa cheered. "We are?" Aichi wondered. "Yeah as a celebration for you getting out of the hospital" Kai replied. Aichi was surprised at his words even so he was really happy to hear them so he just smiled. "We have already gotten your mothers permission though your sister was against it, eventually we managed to get her to agree to let you come" Miwa explained. "Whose going?"Aichi asked. "You, me and Kai!" Miwa replied. "What about Saki, Haruki, Tatsumi, Kousuke and Lawrence?" Aichi asked. "Well Saki and Haruki has club stuff, Tatsumi already has plans, Kousuke is busy with family stuff and Lawrence is sick with the stomach flu." Miwa replied. "I see. But shouldn't we wait so that all of them could go?" Aichi asked. "Miwa rented out the place before we asked so it we would have to go or else it would be a waste" Kai replied. "I see" Aichi muttered. "Well anyway let's get you all packed up Aichi!" Miwa smiled. Then he ran to Aichi's dresser to get him ready.

"I can do it" Aichi stated. "Nope your staying in bed" Kai replied. "But-" Aichi started but got cut off as Miwa cut in"hey Kai Aichi can help if he wants to" Miwa stated. Then Kai noticed a hint of mischievous in his voice. Then Aichi got out of bed and started to walk over to his dresser only to stopped by Miwa that pushed him lightly making him land on the chair behind him. "You sit here. Kai and I will pick outfits for you and each and every one you have to try on" Miwa smirked. Both Aichi and Kai were surprised at his words. "Aichi you don't need to d-" Kai started but Miwa stopped him from continuing by covering his mouth." No exceptions alright Kai let's get Aichu some outfits to try on!" Miwa cheered. Then Kai just gave up knowing there was no point in objecting because Miwa would force Aichi to do it whether he helped or not. He also didn't want Miwa to put Aichi into something that looks ridiculous or just plain embarrassing. "Fine I'll help" Kai sighed. "Alright let's do this" Miwa smiled. The he and Kai walked over to the dresser to get Aichi some outfits to put on. "Um exactly how long are we going for?" Aichi asked. "One whole week!" Miwa cheered. "A week!" Aichi gasped. "Yep! Also we won't be able to come back here until the week is over because well I rented the place out for a week and the expenses to get there is crazy so we are going to go there stay for a week and then come back." Miwa explained.

"Okay here ya go Aichi try this on!" Miwa smiled. The outfit was a pair of jeans and a white shirt. Then Aichi got up, took the outfit and started changing. Immediately both Miwa's and Kai's face turn the colour of a cherry. "Aichi please go into the bathroom to change" Kai stated looking away. Aichi was a bit confused at why Kai had said that. "What's wrong with me changing in here we are all boys" Aichi asked. "U-Um well" Kai started but just gave up and walked over to the wall and faced it. Miwa followed doing the same. Then Aichi continued changing still wondering what was wrong with Kai and Miwa. Kai and Miwa could both hear the sounds of Aichi changing. Eventually Kai couldn't take it anymore and turned around wanting to leave however when he did he saw what he didn't expect.

Kai was frozen in place and Miwa took notice and turned around as well and saw why Kai had frozen. They saw all the scars from Aichi's injuries. Some were just scars from cuts and scrapes while some scars showed burns. Kai and Miwa weren't surprised to see it but somehow were surprised by the sight of the scars. "Aichi" Kai muttered. Aichi turned around and saw the two of them staring at him. Then his own face turned scarlet red and he ran out the door into the bathroom to finish changing. While in there he remembered the look on Kai's and Miwa's faces. It was the look of pain and regret. Then Aichi saw for himself the reason behind it. Aichi the. Continued changing and headed back and opened the door. Kai and Miwa were sitting on the bed and looked up when they heard Aichi enter. "Okay Aichi change of plans you don't have to try on outfits" Miwa explained. Aichi merely nodded at this statement and took a seat on the bed. After a while Aichi's clothes were pack and he was ready to go. "When do we leave?" Aichi asked. "We leave tomorrow at  11:00 a:m" Kai replied. "Okay" Aichi replied. "Meet us tomorrow at the airport at 10:00 am. See ya tomorrow Aichi" Miwa smiled. "Bye" Kai waved. "Bye" Aichi smiled.

The next day:
"Hey Aichi" Kai called. Aichi turned around and saw him and Miwa. "Hey guys" Aichi smiled. "Yo! I'm hungry let's go get something to eat!" Miwa complained. Then the three of them left to the nearest restaurant for a bite to eat. After eating they decided to look around. The plane got delayed for an hour so they are now just looking around the airport for something to do. "Hey look" Miwa stated pointing below. Kai and Aichi took a look and saw many people playing vanguard below. "Hey let's go!" Aichi suggested. Kai and Miwa both nodded and went down to play. After a while it was time for them to board their plane. Once they did the took off.

That's the end of the chapter. I just noticed that I didn't put where they are heading. Well if there are any suggestions please put them into the comments. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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