Sweet Sixteen: Part. 16

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"Benita, we must assume he has a blade and be ready for a knife attack. I'm trained in blade and gun disarmament, so if you see the flash of a sharp, leave to me. If he's unarmed, we act like a team; I'm taller, so I'll be the main aggressor, you hang back, observe and assist if I need it," said Joshua, in a calm and measured way.

I felt my heart rate rise and adrenaline pumped through my body. Joshua, pulled the ripped shirt further up my face, "Camouflage is important, we don't want him identifying us. He took my shoulders and locked eyes with me, "It's not our intention to harm him, we need to disable him while protecting the girl."

We both looked out onto the waste ground and observed the man and the girl walking towards us, "Are you ready?" Asks Joshua.

"I'm ready," I said.

Together we walked toward our adversary's, who were unaware of what awaited them.


The man stopped a few meters in front of us. I noted Clara trying to control her tremble, but failing pitifully. "What is this?" The man asks, throwing an arrogant finger between us both.

He made no attempt to attack, and I saw no sign of weaponry on him. Joshua was polite, "What are you doing with this young lady, who seems somewhat fearful in your presence?" He asked.

The man's demeanour immediately changed; he puffed his chest out and his nostrils flared, "RESPECT, for your elders," he said, the words are hissed and carried the merest hint of a threat.

Joshua replied, "I will give you respect, if you deserve it. Now please tell me where you are going with this frightened girl?" His words, polite and carrying kindness.

The man's arm flew at Joshua and grabbed his jacket. I react defensively, but Joshua reacted confidently, "I'm fine, sister." The man pulled Joshua into him until their noses almost touched, "Don't mess with us. You will be sorry if you interfere here," he hissed, finishing with a malevolent smile.

On hearing his words Clara let out a sound, that was almost unidentifiable as human, more like a noise, the noise a kettle makes when it's finished boiling: soft bubbling gurgles.

Another noise right by my ear startled me; not a noise either, more a sound effect, like: KER-POW! Swiftly followed by a: THUD!

The man lay prostrate at my feet.

"What just happened?" I asked.

Joshua pulled of his face covering, "My right hook never fails me." He crouched down, checking the man's pulse, "He's spark out, probably won't remember a thing when he comes round."

He stood up, took of his jacket and put it round Clara's shoulders, "Come now, you is safe with us. Let's go eat something delicious," he says.


On the bus, Clara continued to cower like a terrified animal. I put my arm around her and felt her tremble reverberate through my body. Despite our combined reassurance, it was clear that Clara was distrustful of Joshua and I. The poor girl had been no doubt shunted from one evil to another, so I completely understood her wary.

Her head remained bowed and Joshua bent down to meet it, "Clara, tell me what's your favourite foods to eat?" He asked, with a gentle, goading softness in his voice. Her head bobbed slightly and she answered, "Fruits, all kinds of fresh fruits," she said, wiping the saliva that dropped onto her bare knee.

Joshua leant back, "What about you, Benita, your favourite food?" He asked. I could see this random food talk was having a kind of calming affect on Clara, so I joined in, "Well, I don't know if it's my favourite, but I'd like to try lobster, one day," I said.

Joshua began to speedily input into his phone with a well-rehearsed dexterity. When he finished, he placed his finger under Clara's chin and gently lifted her face, "Your wish will be my command, Clara." He turned to me, "And yours, Benita."


I gasped when the elevator door opened directly into Joshua's apartment.

A vast floor to ceiling window afforded a spectacular view of the city of London. Being frightened of heights, I walked tentatively towards it, "You can see the whole city," I said, in amazement.

"Yes, I like to keep a close eye on my manor," said Joshua, taking Clara's hand and leading her to the window, "See Clara, when you can see it all, you feel safer," he said.

She stared with a wide-eyed wonder at the vast sparkling vista and I noticed her tremble diminish and her face began to soften and lose its terrified tightness.

Clara and I stood and slowly took in the expensive opulence of our surroundings. Looking away from the view, we were in an expensive open plan penthouse that sat atop one of London's newest skyscrapers, the Strata.

The luxury completely consumed me, until a familiar voice intruded, "Right then, come on you lot, grubs up!"

I turned to see Granny Grace at a large glass table, pouring juice into glasses, "You sit here, Clara sweetheart, the fruit platters all for you," she said, pulling out a chair.

She pulled out two more chairs, "And for you two Lobster lovers, sit your arses down here and tuck in," she said, with her wide, toothless smile.

Once we were all seated, Granny Grace picked up her stick, "Right, I shall love you and leave you young uns." At the elevator she turned back, "Well done on saving that poor darling; onto Dylan next, we can't have him slaughtered," she said, entering the elevator and waving as the door closed on her.


Clara's platter contained a huge array of fresh fruits, all beautifully prepared and presented. She sat in front of it and gazed at it, like it were a beautiful piece of artwork. She looked at Joshua, her eyes moist with tears and whispered, "Thank you, sir."

He replied, "Call me Joshua, not sir." She nodded, then turned back to the fruit, eating it with a joyous verve.

Looking at the lobster, resting on a bed of noodles in front of me; I became distracted by the tools beside my plate: a hammer and pliers. Joshua, noted my confusion, "Let me show you, sister," he said, picking up the pliers and giggling like a big kid.


The Lobster was beautiful, our conversation with Clara afterwards, wasn't.

After a shower and wrapped in a fluffy white bathroom, she talked of the trauma's she'd endured with a detached voice, as though she were talking about horrors that had happened to someone else. When Joshua asked, "Where was the man taking you?" Her response brought her horror story home to us both.

"He was taking me to the secret sacrificial house, where they were to gift my life and that of your friend, Dylan. We were both scheduled to be hung from our feet and bled to the death in a double deliverance. Your friend is most fearsome as he is most prized because of his father. But they will treat him mildly until the day of his bleeding. I must be truthful with you though, the good fortune of my saving, may result in misfortune for Dylan. You may return me to them at daybreak, in order to have his last days free of torment."

Joshua halted her, "That's not going to happen, Clara, you are free and safe, here with me." He took her hand, "Do you know of any possible locations where they might be holding him?"

She didn't hesitate, "We are all first taken to the place with the balloons and the celebration things."

I jumped up and shouted, "The party shop, we've got to go and get him, now!"

Joshua was cool, calm and collected, "Clara, you is safe here. Explore and choose to sleep in which ever bedroom you wish."

Turning his attention to me, he said, "Let's go, and save him..."

Sweet sixteenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora