Sweet Sixteen: Part. 24

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I immediately tackled mum's accusation with the truth, "No mum, I didn't lie to you. Instead you jumped to the conclusion that Josh was Dylan and you didn't give him chance to explain with your constant wittering," I explained.

It was obvious to me that she'd had a glass or two of wine as she was apologetic and giggly, "I'm so sorry Josh, I can be a bit of a talker and not stop for air, I'm a proper Irish mammy in that respect," she said, snuggling into Mr Lacey.

Josh smiled and turned his attention toward Mr Lacey, "It's good to see you sir."

"Likewise," nodded Mr Lacey, with a definite question in his raised eye.

Josh responded coolly, "I haven't disappeared, just turned sixteen and decided school wasn't for me," he said.

Mr Lacey was obviously bewildered, "But why Josh, you're an A star pupil?" He asked, with obvious credulity.

Josh shrugged his shoulders, "I have my reasons, but now's not the time," he said.

Mr Lacey nodded his yes, "I understand, but call in to see me sometime, after school, we can talk – as friends," he said, supportively.


At the gate to my house, things got uncomfortable, "OK, this is really awkward," I said.

"Why?" Asked mum, her arm around my teacher's waist.

I cringed, "WHY! Cos your standing here with my teacher and it's obvious you want to smooch goodnight, and I'm your daughter and he's my teacher; like wrong don't get more wrong than that, does it?"

Josh began to laugh, "Chill Benita, let the matures get loved up; I'll take you inside so you don't have to experience the horror," he said, winking at mum.

Mum's jaw dropped, "The horror! What a cheek," she said, in a mock pissed off tone.


Never the less I was grateful for Josh's get out clause and was happy to be indoors while mum and Mr Lacey said their soppy goodnight.

Taking off my jacket I noticed Josh, his tone looked suddenly serious. "Are you alright?" I asked, concerned.

"No, I'm not," he said, lowering his head.

My immediate reaction was one of reassurance, "Don't worry, we've escaped, we have all this knowledge and intelligence and we have Granny Grace on side, we can beat them." I moved in closer as a need for vengeance fired me up, "We won't let that scuz bucket Dylan get away with this," I said, my voice rising.

"I know Benita, we're in control," he said, something in his voice still bothering me.

"Yes, we're in control," I said.

Josh raised his head, and I could see a definite concern in his face, a sadness, almost like he'd recently been bereaved.

When he spoke, his voice was almost a whisper, "Right now we're in control of the situation, but I'm not in control."

He's got a drink; drug, gambling or criminal problem that he's going to confess, was my immediate thought. But I was all right with that; I'd help him deal with it.

"What is it, tell me Josh?"

He looked on the verge of tears, "I'm getting the feels," he said, walking towards me. "Feelings for you Benita; this is new territory for me."

The directness of the words and his honesty took me off guard and I was physically overcome by a great surge of tingles that rushed through my body.

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