Drunk vampires.

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(Edited: 19/5/16)

Word count: 720

Description: cute lil fluffy vampire fic to make up for not updating in forever.

Warnings: idk, like, vampires? Though if you are scared of vampires, then reading this one shot would be stupid. Just sayin'.

Phil's POV.

We had ended up lying down on the rooftop overlooking the city, stars shining up above us and a bottle of wine in between us that we would take turns in drinking from. We sat in silence, the only noises being from the busy streets below us and the occasional clink of the bottle as we passed it between ourselves or placed it down.

"Hey.. Phil?" You said, slightly tipsy from the alcohol, but not enough that I you slurred. I looked over at you, but you were still looking up at the beautiful night sky above us.

"What... What do I-" You paused to drink from the bottle again before placing it down and turning to me with a shine in your eyes and a grin on your face.

"What do I look like? I know I have tanned skin, and I'm pretty sure I have brown hair, since that's the colour it looks when I get it cut, but what do I actually look like?" You smile lazily at me.

"Your beautiful Danny. You do have brown hair, and it's amazing. It looks so soft and smooth, I just want to run my hands through it all the time." I brought my hand up and had started to gently run them through the silky strands.

"And your eyes. They are gorgeous! Like pools of coffee with specks of toffee in them." I started to giggle slightly and so did you.

"You can always tell what you are feeling if you look hard enough. And you have dimples, bear! Dimples! They are so cute!" I giggled again as I moved my hand away from your face and poked your dimple, making you smile even wider then before.

"My turn!" You said, moving your hand up to my face and stroking my cheek gently.

"Your hair is black and soft, and it goes with your skin perfectly. You're also really pale, like seriously, you'd blend in with snow!" You stated, leaning forward slightly and giggling. I start giggling too, and your eyes lit up.

"And your laugh! You stick your tongue out!" You giggled excitedly. I started frowning and you stopped and grabbed my hand.

"What's wrong lion?" You asked sadly. I looked up into your eyes.

"I didn't know that I did that." I frowned and started looking down. You grabbed my chin and lifted it, so that I was looking straight into your eyes.

"It's not a bad thing you know," You smiled. "It's actually very sweet and cute."

I started blushing and looking down as you tilted my head back up again.

"And your eyes." You continued. "They are one of your best features. They light up when you're exited or happy, and it's so adorable when it happens. They are ocean blue, with emerald green and sunshine yellow specks. I could stare into them all day..." You trailed off, now staring straight into my eyes.

You had started to lean forward slightly again, and I copied your actions until our noses were just centimetres away from each other. You smiled at me before closing your eyes...

And then you kissed me. It was magic, the way your lips connected with mine. It was right, and somehow, among all of the dizziness and the clinging to you like a life line, something inside me changed, never to be reversed. This new feeling could be dwelled upon later, because, for now, I was content to feel your breath come and go with mine.

As soon as we pulled away though, I just knew that we wouldn't be leaving that rooftop, and that kiss wasn't going to be our last that night.

I'm sorry this is 1. Late, 2. Short and 3. Bad. I just wanted to write this and then halfway through I didn't. And then I kinda did again... Okay ignore that.

(A/n: just finished editing it. I'm so proud of the kiss scene :3.)

I tried my first pop tart! It tasted like cupcakes and sprinkles. :3

Bye my mifflets! Xoxo

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