Of flowers and milkshakes/2

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Word count: 1144.

Description: fluff of the both of them eating fruit and watching stars.

Warnings: n o t h i n g, damn I need to do more sad stuff.

I asked if people wanted a sequel and they said yes so here you go.


The sky was pastel pink and purple, clouds spilling out across it like paint being blown across paper. The sun was setting in the horizon and shielded by houses to the left of the front of the house. The house itself was old. Very old. And very dark. It had a line of windows that covered the front of it, tall and placed apart far enough to make sure people knew how big the rooms were. To the right of the house there were two trees; one a pretty pink blossom tree that had bloomed into life, and the other a dark wood tree that stood tall and proud - both of which shielded the road below the house from view both ways.

Pretty boy cut up fruit, picked up lemonade and grabbed pillows. Almost ready.

Just in front of the house was the garden, pretty flowers dotted around and at the front a wall that was only separated by two gates. One (the main gate) had a rose bush that went over the wall to the other side to the left. It led to the front of the garden and to the right a little, just enough to get to the path. The other lead to the dead end road to the left of the house that was shielded by a larger wall on that side of the garden. The road had walls on each side but the one it came from - the one from the garden, the one which was exactly the same that would lead to the back garden if knocked down (or if you went through the quite obvious gate) and the smaller wall that had a railing on top.

Beyond that there was a very large forest of dark wood trees, much like the one outside the house. If you followed the road from that point it would follow the garden, turning left and going forward when needed. It spilled back out onto the main road, being only slightly blocked by the big purple leaved tree that stood at the end of the garden by the roses. If you were to stand where the main gate ends, you would see for miles. The house was almost at the top of a hill, not quite beating the forest. The houses that once stood in front of the house (where the main gate was) got taken down, leaving a large drop down to the main road that was only prevented by a railing (much like the railing from where the forest meets the wall meets the road) that secured people's safety.

If you followed where the roads connected to the right where the backs of the other houses were, you would walk passed the railing and follow the road that connected to the main one, passing by the sight where the houses got taken down. If you looked up at the point you would see that the backs of the houses to the right all followed along at the same height. Street lamps lit up the otherwise dark area and it revealed how large the area where the houses used to be actually was.

That's where he lay. His arms were behind his head and his right leg up with his ankle propped on his left knee, eyes closed. Waiting.

There was a small squeak from the road in front of him and he opened his eyes to see pretty boy standing with his arms out, one leg off the ground and a scared expression on his face. Coffee boy laughed as he watched pretty boy put his hands back to his sides and his leg down, sticking out his tongue out at coffee boy and scrunching his face up in the sweetest way.


"Cutie." Coffee boy replied, pulling himself up from the ground and dusting himself off. Pretty boy smiled and walked to coffee boy, putting his arms around his neck and leaning up to kiss his cheek.

"Come on, let's go." Coffee boy replied, picking up pretty boys hand and pulling them up towards the house. Pretty boy squealed in excitement and started to drag coffee boy along.

"I'm so excited! It's so pretty--"

"Like you?" Coffee boy interrupted. Pretty boy spluttered, a deep blush covering his face as they got to the gate.

"Shut up!"

Coffee boy chucked. "Never."

Pretty boy dragged them through the gate and into the garden of the house, pulling coffee boy along until they got to the back wall of the garden where the tree was. A pastel yellow blanket was resting on the ground and flowers grew next to it, all covered slightly by the shade of the big tree. On top of the blanket were a few pillows in two piles, a variety of different colours but all of them pale. On the left of the blanket was a picnic basket with little red bows on either side.

"This is honestly the second most adorable thing I have ever seen. Right after you of course." Coffee boy smirked, swinging their connected hands and then laughing at pretty boy's expression. "No but really, this is so sweet of you. Is this why I couldn't come wait by the gate like normal?"

"Yes, I didn't want you to see. It would have ruined the surprise! And it's a payback date for when I fell in the coffee shop." Pretty boy responded, sitting down on the blanket and arranging the pillows behind him. Coffee boy followed his lead and lay downs his pillows, leaning back and resting his head on them as pretty boy rummaged through the basket.

"Payback? Does that mean there's food?"

"Duh. What do you think?" Pretty boy said as he pulled out a box of strawberries, raspberries, grapes and blueberries. He then grabbed the two bottles of lemonade and lay down on coffee boys chest sideways so his head was facing up and towards the backs of the houses while coffee boy was facing towards the gate. He passed over a bottle of lemonade and opened the box to have some of the fruit.

"It's always so nice at night up here. You can see for miles and the stars are just so beautiful." Coffee boy said quietly, taking a grape from the box. Pretty boy nodded slowly and that was all that was said until all the rest of the contents of the box was eaten. They were happy to just be in silence, watching the stars together.


Haven't got an end note, leave prompts if you want. Did you like the sequel?

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