
556 19 5

Word count: 736

Description: Dan jumping off things

Warnings: suicide


Dan had slowly learnt throughout life that sometimes you had to take risks. He was always more cautious of the world than anyone else he knew - and for that he payed the price of missing so many opportunities for fun or adventure. So he slowly learnt that sometimes taking the jump wouldn't be all that bad.


He stood at the top almost frozen in fear after ten minutes of cumbersomely clambering up the ladder. He wasn't sure how his boyfriend of two and a bit years had convinced him to get on top of this death-trap but he stood up all the same, clinging to the edges of the slide.

Some might call him a wimp but he preferred the term "careful".

"Dan! Come on! It's fun, I promise!" Phil called from the bottom of the slide as he backed slightly away from the edge so he wouldn't be hit when Dan slid down. However slim the chances of him sliding down were.

Dan shuffled where he stood and seemed to be contemplating something before sitting down gently, careful to keep a deathly grip on the railings as he did so. Phil grinned.

It took a little more coaxing and a lot more waiting before Dan finally gave in and pushed himself downwards. There was a moment of pure unadulterated terror he felt as he went, the air flying passed him as he slid and then - a grin. Dan picked himself up off of the ground, taking a quick moment to press a loving kiss to his boyfriend's cheek, before he was off again to quickly climb the ladder and slide down once more, all fear momentarily thrown out of the window as the adrenaline pushed him on further.

Phil just smiled.


He stood at the top slightly shakily as he took a look at the drop he was faced with. In reality, it was only about five feet down to the bouncy surface of the platform below, but to him it seemed like at least ten. He couldn't figure out how his boyfriend of four and a bit years had convinced him to go with him to the bouncy room in the first place, never mind get on top of a deadly looking bouncy castle designed to be jumped off of so to land on another castle. It was a nightmare, really.

"You can do it Dan! Just don't think!" Said boyfriend called from down below, arms outstretched and a twinkle in his eye which made Dan smile and relax slightly. What did he have to be afraid of anyway?

He jumped quickly without thinking of the consequences and without worrying about the endless possibilities for injury. He felt his entire body leave the first castle and collide with the second. He felt his breath push itself forcefully out of his lungs. He felt... The arms of his boyfriend and the shaking of Phil's body as the older male laughed.

Dan opened his eyes to see the bored worker setting up the area for the next jumpers. He saw Phil. And then? An opportunity for revenge on the bouncy obstacle course ahead of them.

But not before a few kisses, of course.


Dan stood at the top - perfectly at peace for once. He kept on thinking back to the other times he had taken such risks in the past and how rewarding they had been, kept wondering if it would pay off this time.

He let out a heavy sigh before pushing himself closer to the edge, leaning further over the railings put in place to stop people from doing exactly what he was planning to do. He took a deep breath and tightened the rope he had carefully tied to the tree before stepping into it and pulling it around himself.

'He never loved you anyways'

He jumped over the railings and didn't even hesitate to push forward this time, craving the rush he got whenever he did so. He was much more reckless than he used to be.

He felt the air pushing passed him, his breath push itself forcefully out of his lungs, he felt-

The rope tighten. And then a snap.


Not especially proud of this one but I realised there's not much coming out lately (as I'm working on a few long ones at the same time) so enjoy.

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