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(Edited: 19/5/16)

Word count: 613.

Description: Dan panics over a speaking and listening test.

Warnings: Panicking and anxiety. Don't read if you could be triggered by this.


Dan's POV.

I feel sick. I can't do this.

"You could do it in the office instead if you wanted." My teacher said. "You just need an audience of four, you can even pick who watches."

That's what she said. I agreed straight away so that I didn't have to do it in front of everyone in the class like most people did.

But here I am, worrying about reading out a script alone in front of about three students that I know really well and my English teacher.

"Okay, your turn Dan." Louise, one of the girls that had just did her test, said. She smiles at me as I slowly walk into the empty space. We could act if we wanted a higher level, but there was no way that I would do that.

"I... Um..." I say as I feel my hands begin to shake and sweat. I want to cry, but I know I can't. If I do, everyone will be talking about how much of a wimp I am and how I can't even read a few lines out of a script.

I look up slightly to see everyone waiting. Louise, Evan and my English teacher are all giving me patient smiles, while Phil is looking at the floor and biting his nails.

Here we go.

"Y-you ha-ave... b-b-bloo-d..." I stutter out. I can't even recite a few lines. I can feel the tears build up in my eyes as I look up slightly and catch eyes with Phil.

"You don't have to do it you know." The teacher says. "But I have to give you the lowest level. You can only get a pass."

I quickly nod my head. I can't do it. I go back to the seat and Phil gets up to do his performance.

"You have blood on your hands." He recites perfectly. He even does all the actions right.

"Perfect Phil! You have a B+. You need to do a flashback for an A."

He starts to smile and nod, and then the bell goes. Everyone leaves the room apart from me and Phil, and he walks over.

"Don't worry Dan. You can still do it whenever you want to." He smiles at me. The tears finally come, and fast. I burry my head into my hands.

"I can't do it. I can't. I won't ever be able to do it. I'm useless." I say quickly and sink down to the ground.

I feel him sit next to me and bring me into his arms. We sit there for a while on the floor before he lifts my head up.

"You're not useless at all. I promise. And you will be able to do it at some point. We could even do it together if you wanted. It's fine if you can't do it now." He says. I smile at him and snuggle my head in his neck. He pulls me closer and we sit there for a while.

"Don't worry Dan." He whispers into my ear after a while. "Il always be here for you."


This is how I felt on Friday. English school systems make you do this test about 4 times a year from year 9. It's hell and I hate it when the time comes to do it again.

Please read the last chapter that I just posted on secrets, it's an explanation of what's gonna happen to that book.

Bye my little mifflets! Xoxo

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