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"I'm back!" i called as soon as i walked in. Ashlynn Rose came running down down the stairs and flung herself at me.

"Oh my gosh! School is soooo boring without you!" she said as i hugged her. I rolled my eyes setting her down.

" I figured. Who's here?" I asked, eyeing the bags in the foyer. she grinned wider.

" Amelia! She brought Saedmen!" (say-ed-men) I let her go and bounded up the stairs.

"Where's my favorite nephew!" I called. A door opened down the hallwat, and a moment later, a little black haired 3 year old came running at me. i wrapped them in a hug as i kneeled down.

"Uwnkle Nay!" he squealed. Amelia appeared in the door he had come out of, smiling.

" Hey, Nalani. thought you'd stop by. Hope you don't mind." I stood up, Saedmen still in my arms.

"Never. How have you been?" she twirled her engagment ring a moment.

"It's been hard. But we manage. How have you been? You where there when he died." I shrugged. " The same. how long are you staying?" She hesitated.

"We got kicked out of my apartment." she admitted softly. I grimaced. "And Lucifer isn't buying you one. And let me guess, the only reason your even here now is because i was coming." she nodded. I growled. " Get your things. Lucifer may not realize it, but you are family. you can stay with me." she smiled, tears in her eyes.

"Really?" I hugged her into my side. "Of Course."

"We get to stay wit uwnkle Nay?" Saedmen said. Amelia took him and hugged him.

" Yes, we do. Thank you so much, Nalani. with me being huuman, and Saedmen not being a demon, i didn't think you'd-"

" I told you, you're family. Bruns loved you Amelia. Human or not, your stuck with me."

To Hell and back- literallyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang