popping the unexpected question.

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I stared over to Nalani's couch. he was breathing deeply, so i assumed he was asleep. Some of his hair had fallen out of his face, so I studied the few features i could see. I could see that he had high sculpted cheek bones, and his lips where the kind that was equally porpotioned, if not just a little lusher then normal. his nose was smooth and curved beautifully. his eyelashes where the kind girls would kill for, the long, thick, curled naturally kind. I found myself smiling at that thought.

"I think we should do that again sometime." he said suddenly as he sat up, his hair falling in his face. I almost yelped, but did jump back slightly.

"I thought you where asleep." I accused. he tilted his head towards me. " I Know."

He knew? Oh, God, he'd caught me staring at him!

"W-what do you think we should do again?" I asked, embarrassed. I tried to see his face through his hair, in the glow of the tv which was playing some kind of metal softly. he turned his whole body towards me, leaning back on one elbow, completely at ease. I could almost heear his smirk as he said

"The movies. Only this time just you and me." I thoought that over a moment, suprised. That was not what i was expecting. finally I sat up and leaned across the space seperating us.

"Are you asking me out with you?" I asked, suprised my voice was so steady. his head tilted to the side.

"In a manner of speaking, I suppose." He said after a moment. I hesitated, then sighed. "Can I see you're eyes?" I asked softly, expecting a no. instead, he laughed softly.

"Sure, since you asked so nicely." He sat up, and tilted his head towards the TV. He pulled his hair back with his hands, his eyelids downcast. after a second they flickered up, and I gasped.

"Oh my god, Ashlynn Rose wasn't kidding!" I exclaimed. they where a deep green, but the brown flecks I could make out even from here where darker, and the blues where much lighter.

He rolled his eyes, leaning back, but suprising me by leaving his hair out of his face.

"So is that a yes, or a hell no?" I smiled, rolling my eyes.

"No, I believe that is a Hell Yes."

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