Nalani thinking

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I paced on the sidewalk a moment, back and forth, my hands behind my head, taking deep, long breaths.

I was really and truly restraining myself from killing Murder. Really. He had to open his fucking mouth about demons, and, he also had to dredge up the memory of the fucking fallen angel.

The guy that killed my brother.

The guy who promised that he would love me forever… Ronobe.

Fuckers, the lot of them.

How could I do this? I should never have brought Anxiety here, he doesn’t belong here. Ronobe and Murder where right- I shouldn’t associated with humans, they distract us.

But Anxiety was so sweet, and trusting. The look on his face when I finally looked at him in the diner almost killed me.

broke your heart? I thought to myself, and then had to sit on the curb for a second at the absurdity of it. To break my heart would mean I have to have one. That wasn’t so hard to believe, not really. Ronobe, my father, even my mother said I was a strangely kind Demon unless provoked. But Ronobe also said that if I had one, he had probably crushed it.

Again, a bastard. No, a fucking bastard.

So what? He wasn’t always. I hesitated another moment.

“Dammit, Nalani. You can walk into a dream of someone and behead them without a thought, knowing their every thought in their dreams, but can’t even go after your boyfriend, when you don’t know what is going to happen.” That said allowed, I paused. Maybe that’s the problem. I sprang up.

“The hell with it.” I muttered, taking off behind him, knowing he was heading in the general direction of the graveyard.

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