1 week

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I was drifting in a place that was empty. Isolated. I was alone.

Then the screaming started.

High pitched, feminine screams, choursing together with the manly screams, a thousand voices mixing together to form a dark, evil, horrible symphony. I knew what the screams where-who owned each individual voice and when and why they had made such horrible noises.

These where the screams of every scare I ever made. People I built up the trust of, then tore into their minds to feed a race that wasn’t supposed to exist. I really was a monster, a person with no feelings until now.

My only consulation, as I listened to this pitiful harmony, was Anxiety’s wasn’t among them.

Look, his eyes are opening!” someone said close by, making me flinch. I covered my eyes with my hand, moaning.

“Shh, Nalani. Do we need to sedate you one more time?” I recognized Ashlynn Roses voice.

“NO!” I said too loudly, groaning again. The screams had made my head throb.

“Anxiety?” I asked softly so my head wouldn’t split.

“Is downstairs, sleeping. Lights are going off so you can open your eyes.” I waited a few seconds before moving my hands away from my face, blinking a couple time to focus in the dark. I tried to sit up, and someone to the side pushed me back down.

“Not yet you don’t mister. I have a few things to talk to you about.”

“Can they wait, Ashlynn Rose? I have a killer headache.” She grumbled before shoving something at me. Medicine. I took it greedily.


“I need to see Anxiety. Why is he still here? I made him leave!” Ashlynn Rose chuckled.

 “ I brought him back. I had good reason, too. He’s half Demon.” I gasped a moment, then grinned.

“Really?” she nodded, and I leaned back, smiling.

“really.” I said to myself. She hesitated.

“Ronobe. He said you could be together If you survived.” I touched my chest reflectively.

“What did he-“

“He tried to crush it in his fist.” I had to laugh at that. He always had the flair for the dramatic.

“You’re LAUGHING! An ex boyfriend decided to try and kill you and you laugh. I always knew you where crazy.” I chuckled again.

 “You know, I doubt I’m going anywhere for awhile. Just talking makes my chest hurt.” She laughed, leaning over to kiss my forehead.

 “Ok, I can take a hint. When Anxiety wakes up I’ll send him your way.” I nodded, leaning back and sighing. I heard the door close, and I opened my eyes again.

“Why did you give us permission?” I had known Ronobe was in the room as soon as I had woke up.

“I didn’t.” his lips quirked up even as he said it, telling me he was lying. I shifted away from him uncomftorably.

 “Ok, so, what’s going on?” he glanced around, then sighed, meeting my gaze.

“I still want you, Gorgeous. I’m not going to lie. But you moved on. It was stupid of me to let you go. I’m not going to give up on you easily, but I will let you have some time with your Half demon boyfriend. Sooner or later you will realize you belong with me, and when that happens,” he was suddenly looming over me. “I will have you back.” I grimaced, turning away.

 “dad wont let you near me.”

“Actually, I already talked to him. As far as anyone but your friends know, we had a friendly brawl that just got out of hand. Until your stable again, I’m your unofficial body guard.” I groaned. His eyes flicked to the door.

 “Here comes Anxiety. Good bye, for now.” He disappeared, and then the door flew open, the light turning on.

“Nalani!” he jumped onto the bed next to me and leaned foreward, as if to hug me, before freezing half way. I smiled, tilting his chin gently and kissing him softly.

“Hey, Anxiety. I heard you had a lot of fun while I was asleep.” He snorted, curling into my side happily.

 “ definitely. I’ve learned almost everything I can on demons. I’m living with you now, by the way, both here and in the human world.” I was quiet a few moments.

“So, you forgive me for what I did?” he slung an arm over my waist easily, kissing the side of my face.

“ of course I do, silly! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t!?” I laughed, burying my face in his hair. He always smelled amazing.

“That’s amazing to hear.” I murmured. He giggled, pulling back slightly.

“As soon as you’re done healing, you are definitely taking me shopping around here. A mall that never closes!? And then you promised me a movie once…” I laughed, bending my head to kiss him deeply. When we came up for air I murmured

“I think I can do a movie…as long as it’s a horror flick.” He frowned. “why?” I grinned.

“It gives me a reason to hold you, silly.”

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 24, 2011 ⏰

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