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"so, wait. You believe there's a hell, but not a heaven?" I groaned, picking out another cd to look at.

"No, I believe there's no heaven for me."

" and why is that?" I shot him a grin over the cd rack. " I'm damned, of course." he rolled his eyes, picking up a cd as well. we'd decided to go to spencers instead of hot topic.

" Oh my God! Skillet!" He exclaimed. I grimaced, but didn't say anything, heading to the cash registure. I had a Breaking Benjamin, Smashing Pumpkins, All Time Low, and Linkin Park cd in my hands, and sat them down.

"Nalani!" the person behind the cash registure exclaimed. I looked up and grimaced. " Hey, Warren. How are you?" he was an ex of mine. my first more than one week boyfriend. also, my first more than one TIME boyfriend, if you get my drift.

"I'm good. and you?"

"Same." he rang up my purchase, rolling his eyes. " Listening to the same things? and who's he?" he nodded in Anxietys direction. "There good bands! and i 'moved' here not to long ago and him and his sister has been showing me around." he nodded. he was a demon, but he was a scare sorter, so he could move around wherever he wanted.

" Uh huh, ok."

We talked a few more minutes, then Anxiety came up.

"Warren, this is Anxiety, Anxiety, Warren. my old friend." warren laughed. " Ex is more like it. Good to meet you. Skillet! now HE has good taste!" I groaned, walking off.

"Oh, Nay!" I turned. " you look uber Sexy in that outfit!" I rolled my eyes, walking out of the store.

"Warren! oh my God! Are you going with him again!?" I groaned. we where all at the food court, and Amy was bounching in excitement in her seat.

"No. you know if i break up with someone I wont date them again." she pouted.

"but i liked Warren!"

"He has good taste in music." Anxiety chimmed in. I snapped my head towards him. "What! He does!"

Then you go date him." I said nuterally.

"Oooooh, Nalani's gettin his scary voice on, you better behave." Jester said. i flicked my hair out of my gaze and turned it to him. a moment later he was squirming. " Stop it!"

"You started it." I said, and you could hear the smirk in my tone.I took a bite of my fries, and Anxiety gave me a look.

"what color are your eyes?"

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