You Will Never Understand How Many Feelings I Have About Rubeus Hagrid

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I think it would be perfect if Hagrid took Harry's first kid to Diagon Alley to get their stuff on their first year

And of course Hagrid has all of the kids to his house because that is perfect

And he takes special to Teddy Lupin because he reminds Hagrid of Harry so much, but with better upbringing

And Teddy is my favorite of the next generation

Because he's Teddy

And also Hagrid being allowed to use magic legally by the ministry because McGonnagall says so, and he's so happy to be in class, and Harry takes him to buy his stuff first year, and everyone is super happy for him

And he takes his OWLS and NEWTS and passes with flying colours because Harry helped him

Practice, not take the test

And wow

Intense feelings

Hagrid...having kids

He had a thing with the Beauxbaton's lady, so what if... kids

I think he'd be Be a pretty bomb dad

Trying so hard to help them with homework

Being so proud they got into Hogwarts, and not caring what house they were in

Fang being very overprotective of the kids

And I know in a way all the Hogwarts kids were his kids, but having biological kids...


AndI will bet you all my money that Harry would love those kids like they were his own family

Also, I still think Harry should have named a kid after Hagrid. With my entire living soul. Because Rowling said Dumbledore and Snape didn't have any family to carry on their names, well Aberforth... but anyway, neither DID HAGRID. so that's all I have to say about that. 

so yeah... I have many emotions. What else is new. yay. 

I ramble so much

this is also more for me to keep track of all my sad thoughts, so I can USE THEM AGAINST THE UNWILLING PUBLIC AT RANDOM TIMES


i'll go


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