❤AuthorNote❤:Be MindFul Of The Sudden Change

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❤Good Night

To all of my diverse viewers/voters in all economic and cultural backgrounds, and of course age ranges.
Am here with this notification, and believe me when I say
I despise
" Author Notes "
I just never saw the need for it?, but in this book I see it...
So long story short y'all, the storyline has been changed

Marci : " Holy fuck why ?!? " (」゚ロ゚)」
Pear: " Oh hush, she's explaining you brat " (¬_¬)ノ

Yes, um.. Thanks Pearl. So yes, I was having trouble with the story progression for some time now. It was just a dead end, I couldn't think around it no matter how hard I contemplated on the story .

Marci : "Oh-Oh!, writes block! "( ' ▽ ' )ノ

Exactly, am just stuck over here man...So I decided to keep the characters, and change the plot completely. I've realized that too many of my book setting takes place on Planet Vegeta, I can't keep doing the same thing repetitiously .
so a kiss of reality is good now and again,shaking things up a bit.

Another note, expect longer chapters sweets!
Am totally done with scribbling down a short passage man.
come on..
Am gonna be focusing on the body as well as details. It will be added as much as possible...
Oh and of course
am welcome to critiquing and judgement.

{Hence : I am soft to criticism, so please be diplomatic when handling this Softie!, you have been warned!}

Am making the plot as I go along, so of course I don't know what happening next.. At least I can get those brains working..
am I right? Or am I right?

Pearl : " Pitiful " * smh * (⌒_⌒;)

Anyways...Chapters should make it up somewhere in the 30's Hopefully.....
Please share this book if liked !
And do drop them votes and comments I'd love to here you views, ideals etc..

Characters Introduction

1.)Kristy & Kristen (Karkarots younger sisters/ the Two Grown Twins)

How Did It End Up Like This ( Goku X Freiza )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora