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Emilia sat on her ass in Kam's closet packing clothes in their duffel bags. A month worth of clothes was going to take a lot of room, and she needed space for her very nice clothing for the formal dinners and appearances they would be making. She became more excited about the trip as she packed because she never traveled anywhere. They were going to New York for a week first. The second week they were hitting Miami, next Seattle, and then Los Angeles.

Em glanced at her watch and wondered when Kam would be back from the gym and signing the contract with his trainer for this trip. Emilia called up Jake to make sure he was good with her shop. She was considering splitting the shop into a partnership with him. She wouldn't tell him for sure until they got back.


Kam pulled up to the warehouse with the bag full of cash. He rode Emilia's bike. He had on her brother's leather jacket, and a gun holster under his arm inside the jacket.

Kam got off the bike and grabbed the bag. Two guards approached him as he walked towards the building.

"I've got his money. I'd like to speak with him privately," Kam said without pausing a step to the door.

The guards blocked him, but he dropped he bag and took one out with a hit to the groin, nose, and the spinal cord at the base of his neck. He knew how to fight fucking dirty. Then he took out the other with a change up to the stomach, jugular, and temple.

Kam grabbed the bag and pushed open the door. The Cuban bastard was standing around a room with a group of the assholes and looked directly at Kam.

"Early and alone? I didn't imagine the señora to be so afraid," he said sardonically.

"Need to talk to you, pendejo. Alone, like you did with my woman," Kam growled out, he picked up some curses from fights with Gutta.

The bastard's brows raised, slightly impressed he knew spanish curse words, and then he sneered and waved his arm to a doorway. Everyone obeyed.

"The name is Ruben," he said.

Kam pushed into the empty office area, and Ruben stepped in behind him. Kam put the bag on his desk.

"It's all there," he said.

"Why did you bring it?" Ruben asked curiously.

Kam glared at him.

"Because I came for other reasons beyond the money."

Then he pulled out his gun. Ruben yanked out his own handgun in response.

"You make a deal with me that if I give you this money you're done with Emilia Probst and everyone in her life. You get out of her life. None of your assholes can be in her life. You don't even breathe her name or think of her again. Understand?" Kam asked viciously.

"What about--"

"Understand?" Kam barked out with venom on his mouth.

Ruben glared suddenly.

"You think you can--"

Kam cocked the gun.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" he bellowed at the top of his lungs. Ruben clenched his jaw.

"Yes, pendejo, I understand," Ruben growled.

Kam lowered his gun and then holstered it. Ruben hesitantly put his own gun away.

"You love her," Ruben said.

Kam gave him a curt nod and headed towards the door. Ruben put a hand on his chest.

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