Chapter 4 - Jily

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Lily folded the piece of paper and carefully placed it into her bag as she walked out of the large, wooden, entrance hall front door. She walked out, her polished school shoes, scrunching on the crisp, yellow grass. A light breeze ran through her red hair, and a single orange leaf caught Lily's warm emerald eyes. Autumn was right around the corner and the Lily had planned out when she was going to tell Severus her opinion. Hogsmeade weekend was next Saturday and Lily was the only one without a date, but hopefully that would change today. Lily took a deep breath as she approached the lake only to be affronted by a teasing session on Severus. She ran full speed and stood in front of James Potter himself. Even though Potter had had his growth spurt , and was a good head taller than her, she knew how to make herself look menacing.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted in his face, next to him Sirius' face pulled into a cheeky smirk that would make a girl melt.

"Oooh, someones got a girlfriend!" Sirius taunted. A replica of James in personality but with his, shaggy black hair and cloudy grey eyes, he had girls falling for him left and right.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Severus growled. Lily looked at him with longing eyes before turning back to James, her usual warm eyes, ice cold.

"Put him down!" Lily said, venom dripping of her tongue with every word. James looked affronted at this sudden change in character. His eyes turned from his usual cockiness to a guilty way.

"Fine," James said. He muttered the counter curse and Severus fell to the ground with a loud thump. Lily ran to his side. James recovered from his moment of kindness, and exclaimed arrogantly.

"Good thing, Evans was here, Snivellus!"

Snape swiftly stood up pushing Lily off him as he stood infront face to face with James, who didn't look remotely scared, yawned.

"I don't need help from a filthy little mudblood like her!" And he turned to Lily her eyes watering and a tear running down her cheek.

"Fine," She whispered walking off, ripping up the love poem for Severus as she ran, followed by James who pushed himself through the crowd to get to her. Sirius avenged her by sending hex after hex on Snape.

**Snape POV**

I regretted what I said from the moment I said it. My arm still hurt from the many Indian Burn hexes he had put on me. I didn't blame him, I would have just done it myself. I walked down to corridor, head down, when I heard snivelling coming from a classroom ahead. I walked up to the door as I saw a sight that broke my heart to this day.

Lily was sat on the teachers desk, with a tear stained face, cuddled up into no other than James Potter who had his arm around her shoulders, letting her cry on his shoulder. I stood there shocked not knowing what to do. James slowly lifted her chin up to his face and lowered his head slowly onto hers. I stormed out before I saw anything else.

**Lily POV**

I sat crying onto James shoulder, with his arm comfortably around me. I had no idea how it had came to me, sat with my worst enemy him comforting me, but at this moment I didn't care my inside hurting so much the word ringing in my ears.

Mudblood. Mudblood. MUDBLOOD!

More tears ran down my face, I heard a sound at the door but I didn't care I was too upset. I felt James lift my chin up, his honey eyes locking with mine as his face got closer to mine, he gently put his lips on mine, warm and sweet. I realised then that I was deeply in love with James Potter.

**James POV**

She sat weeping on my shoulder, clear tears rolling down her pink cheeks, I felt a pang of guilt because somehow this was my fault, but that was soon replaced with anger I felt a sudden urge to stand up and kill Snivellus for what he did to her. I resisted knowing I had to be here for Lily. I glanced at her and my heart skipped a beat. If it was even possible, I felt more in love with Lily Evans. As she sat next to me, tears trickling down her face, her cheeks pink. Altough the best feature about her, was her auburn hair, falling into her face it stuck to her tears. I brushed some hairs away from her face, and not been able to resist any longer.

I lifted up her chin staring into her sparkling green eyes as I leaned into her. When she didn't pull away I went in for the kiss. Her lips fitted perfectly with mine and our lips moved in sync. after a few seconds I pulled away our forehead pressed together.

"Lily, I-I love you" I said nervously, I looked down expecting the slap and shouting.

"I love you too, James" She said back, I looked back at her a smile on my face and leaned in again.


Hey guys this is my first one shot, I thought it was pretty good but I want to her your opinions too! I'm open to critism!!! Thanks!!

Mischief Managed,


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