Mia & George Oneshot

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Mia groaned. Her alarm clock screeched in the beautiful, sleepy silence.

“I’M UP!” She shrieked mostly to herself. Dragging herself out of bed, she sighed at the moonlight illuminated time table. She groaned and trudged her way to the small bathroom. Scrubbing her teeth, she thought about the day.

DADA, Herbology then triple Potions. Oh joy! Pulling her wavy, chocolate hair into a pony tail. She didn’t bother with make-up. She hardly did any more with the stress of school work. Looking at her appearance she decided to make herself at least somewhat ‘pretty’. Separating her hair she twisted it into a messy plait.

A bang on the door awoke her from her thoughts, and a sleepy shout came from the door.

“Mia, come on! I need to look good too!” A drowsy Angelina said. I smirked and walked through the door.

“You just want to look good for Freeeeeed” She teased. Angelina smiled and walked into the bathroom.

“We all know George is yours though” She blushed and quickly got her uniform on. She liked to wear trousers though and unlike most girls she wore black converse and not heels.

I stepped out of the girls dorm and into the common room. Sat on the maroon couch was no other than George Weasley. Her face burned and her stomach did a hundred somersaults. George smiled at her twirling his wand in his fingers. He stood up and walked towards her. She debated whether to run and escape her embarrassment. Before she could flee, George had come up to her.

“Good morning, Milady” He said cheekily, giving a low bow. She giggled and her cheeks flushed.

“Good Morning George” She smiled, the colour draining a little from her cheeks. He put out a hand.

“Will a pretty girl like you join me to breakfast” Her breath quickened and she had to bite her lip so she wouldn’t squeal.  

“S-sure” She stuttered. Taking her hand in his and electric current ran through her hand. She smiled, biting her lip. George led her out the portrait hole and down the stairs towards, and into, the Great Hall.

George pulled her towards the Gryffindor table to sit down, even though she was a Ravenclaw herself. She plopped down on one side and waited for George to come round the other. They sat in silence for a moment before leaping in an intense conversation about Quidditch teams.

“Purr-lease, the Chudly Canons have no chance against the Holyhead Harpies” George said in a matter-of-fact tone. Mia laughed a little at George’s campness and his smile widened. I love making her laugh. She has such a beautiful laugh, He thought. Mia reached for another piece of toast at the same time as George and their hands brushed together. She met his gaze and blushed, quickly snatching up a piece and devouring it. George chuckled slightly and ate his whole piece in one go. Mia swallowed hers and her mouth dropped open.

“No way did you just fit that whole thing in your mouth!” She asked her eyes twinkling.

“Yes way” He said smugly. “Bet you can’t”

“Challenge accepted” Mia said seriously grabbing another piece. She shoved the whole thing in her mouth and George laughed loudly. She laughed, it muffled through the toast. She probably looked disgusting and like a pig, but she didn’t care. After a couple more chews she swallowed the whole thing and raised her arms in the air, victorious.

“I AM THE CHAMPION” She shouted. George laughed breathily and sat back in his seat. He leant across the table again, Mia proposed it was to get more breakfast, but froze when his and came towards her face. He brushed some crumbs of her bright red cheek and his fingers lingered for a moment, cherishing her soft skin. He pulled away when a loud shot came from behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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