Almond Milk Recipe

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Raw Almond nuts

Sea salt (optional)


Vanilla extract/ bean (optional) (For sweetness)

Dates (for sweetness) (optional)


1.) Soak the raw almond nuts in the water with a pinch of sea salt (optional) for overnight to soften the nuts.

2.) After soaking up the raw almond nuts in the water, remove all the raw almonds from water then put all the almonds in the Vitamix or blender to blend all the almonds with your favorite vegan sweeteners (like vanilla extract/ bean, dates, etc.) to turn into an almond milk then strain the almond milk into the cheesecloth or nut milk bag whilst extracting (unless you've twisted the opening of the nut milk bag) into the pitcher until the almond residue becomes dry.

3.) Stir the almond milk then voila, drink it straight or use it on your favorite vegan recipes.

(Take note: you can use all the remaining powdered almond pulps into baking.)

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