Fully Raw Vegan Pad Thai by FullyRawKristina

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(Credits to FullyRawKristina)

Ingredients for the Pad Thai:

4-5 cups shredded zucchini/ courgette
2-3 cups of shredded carrots
1 cup shredded red cabbage
1 sliced red bell pepper
1-2 cups of sliced mushrooms
1 cup bean sprouts
Half a cup chopped cilantro
1 cup of sliced scallions or green onion
Thumb of ginger
Juice of one lime
Quarter cup of crushed pistachios as a topping
Fresh mint
Optional: Jalapeño


Make sure that your hands, tools and the rest of the ingredients are clean.
Mix them in the wooden (or glass/ ceramic bowl if you want) bowl.

Fully Raw Sesame Ginger Dressing:
3/4 cup raw, unhulled sesame seeds
1/2 cup fresh apple juice
1/3 cup fresh orange juice
1/4 cup crushed pistachios
1/4 cup tamarind sauce
1 thumb fresh ginger
Half to 1 lime squeezed


Blend the raw vegan salad dressing in the high speed Vitamix blender until the consistency becomes smooth and creamy.
Then, mix it up to the salad ingredients then toss it.
Voila! :D Here's the salad!

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