The Detective and his Partner

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Quick author note: Obviously none of the characters are mine. If you watch the shows, then it's quite clear that the Doctor, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, and Sam and Dean Winchester are not my characters. The Doctor and the two Sherlock characters are from BBC and the Winchester are from CW.

Thanks :)

Also whoops sorry I long procrastinated on this hehe.


John Watson checked his silver watch once more. Where the hell was Sherlock? His roommate and partner ( as in friend mind you) was supposed to arrive at their flat about thirty minutes ago. Considering that Sherlock was not at all one for tardiness, he found the detective's delay to be concerning yet not entirely surprising. Sherlock did mention that he'd be a few minutes late, but not thirty minutes late. John tried to dismiss any disturbing thoughts involving Sherlock being kidnapped or worse, killed. He decided to return to reading the daily journal to distract his worrying mind.

As soon as he did, he could hear footsteps stomp up the wooden stairs to their apartment door and then the muffled jangling of keys. He then heard someone on the opposite side of the door insert the noisy keys and the sticky handle groaned as the large, wooden door creaked loudly. John turned his head as he slowly put down his journal and sighed in relief when he saw that the dark brown door revealed Sherlock's familiar face.

"Where the bloody hell have you been? Did you know, you told me that you were going to be a few minutes late and instead you show up....," John quickly peered down at his expensive watch, "Nearly forty minutes late. Sherlock, I was so worried. I thought to myself, 'He could be killed. And yes on some days that would be heavenly because you can be a pain in the arse but you know that I need you," John blurted, his voice increasing in anger and loudness. Sherlock looked down to his feet, almost in shame but his face was emotionless so John couldn't really tell. He pulled off his long black overcoat and hung his scarf next to his overcoat.

"Yes John, I know. I do apologize for my tardiness, it was rather uncalled for but there was.... traffic," Sherlock replied as he made his way to the loveseat facing John.

"Traffic? Sherlock you could have called! Why didn't you? You honestly had me worried sick. You know what, at this point, I don't even know why I care so much. Maybe I should just stop. You always do this to me and you don't care in return," John huffed. He threw the newspaper down onto the table and stood up from his chair hastily.

"Oh, come on, John! Don't be like that... look alright I admit I should have called. And... I... do.. care to some extent of your well-being.... I mean you are my... friend," Sherlock tried. He gave the most sincere smile that he could, mind the struggle. The tall man stood up and went to his overcoat, from which he fished a crumbled paper. John looked at what his friend was trying to get.

"Oh and what's that?" the doctor asked. Sherlock looked at John.

" This is why I was late," Sherlock said, while tapping the paper. He dropped it onto the table. John looked at his roommate confused before walking towards the paper. He unfolded the yellowed parchment. It was a note.

John read it, intrigued by the fancy handwriting that rarely anyone would use nowadays.

Mr Sherlock Holmes ( and roommate),

Ah, sir. What an honour it is to be writing to you. I hear you are a man of marvellous work, simply the best at what you do. And I highly admire that. You sir, are one of a kind. This is why I'd like for you and your roommate, whom I know is your best friend and it's rather silly that I don't know his name. I'd like for the two of you to meet me at the bottom of the London Eye, by a tall tree with the markings 'EB', Thursday, March 5th at 8 pm.

Don't be late. I'd really like to meet you.


John froze. He looked at Sherlock, completely puzzled. He quickly looked at the calendar on their fridge. Today was Wednesday the 4th of March. They were to meet tomorrow.

"Sherlock, this is tomorrow. Are you going to go? Wait... why am I involved in all of this? Why does he want me there to? And why didn't you bloody tell me this?" John infuriatingly shouted.

Sherlock sighed. "Because of your possible temper, this is why I didn't tell you. I... I've been trying to figure out who sent this. I've checked mostly all of the trees near the London Eye but no tall tree has the markings 'EB'. I.. I simply don't know who this is. There's zero DNA on this paper, absolutely no clues, Mrs. Hudson saw nothing and no one drop a letter at our apartment.. there's no lead. Now, I know you don't entirely like this, but I think we have to go to that meeting tomorrow," Sherlock said, looking at John. The shorter man nodded.

"Fine. Alright. I will come with you though. They want me too for some reason," John said.

Sherlock nodded. "Alright. Well then. Let's get rested," he said, while making way for his room. "Goodnight, John."

John smiled a little. "Yeah, goodnight, Sherlock," the doctor whispered to himself.

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