hanging out goes downhill...

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Still Kats pov:
I look at what Jason’s wearing and then back at me and we actually kind of do. The only thing that wasn’t the same was that he was wearing supras and I was wearing converse and jewelry and all that crap. Well this is awkward...

“Right well were gunnah be going now so I’ll see you guys later” Jason says

I say bye to all the guys which they shortly return and follow Jason into his car. Jason opens the door for me to get in and closes it behind then runs to the other side to get into the driver’s seat. Soon he starts to drive us to the mall.

The car ride there was silent but not the awkward kind of silent just comfortable silent. Sooner or later that silence ends by Jason speaking.

“So what do you think of the guys?” he asks

“Truthfully I think there really nice and it just makes me wonder how they can be in a gang they just seem too nice to be in one” I say

Jason lets out a small chuckle before talking.

“Yeah I’ve heard that one before. They are all actually pretty cool but you just don’t want to get on their bad side” he says

I smile at him which he returns and we both sit in silence again.

After about 15 minutes later we arrive at the mall and it looks quite busy.  We both get out the car and start walking to the entrance.  One the automatic doors open you can instantly smell the coffee and the smell of cakes and other sweet stuff. We start to walk around and just look at things and make small chit chat.

After about an hour of just chilling and buying a few things with my own money we decide to go to starbucks.
One we get to starbucks we open the doors and instantly smell the coffee and all sorts of drink and food.  Starbucks has always been like my second home. I just loved this place.

“So what would you like?” asks Jason

“Umm Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino please”

“Can we get one Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino and a Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino” says Jason to the guy
The guy looks at me and smiles while Jason pays. It was quite creepy how he was looking at me but the funny thing was that while Jason was waiting for the guy to take the money he just kept looking at me. I smiled at him but just when the guy was about to say something Jason slammed the money on the counter which made me and the guy both jump.   I looked at Jason with an annoyed expression. Jason looked back at me with an angry face. Why was he angry?
Jason’s pov:

I was waiting for the guy to take the money but he just was staring at Kat which for some reason made me pissed off. After a while I got really pissed off so I slammed the money on the counter and gave him a death glare. Who the fuck does he think he is looking at Kat like that. Stupid fucker. I looked over at Kat who had an annoyed look on her face. I grabbed our Frappuccino’s and grabbed kats hand dragging her to a table.

“Why did you do that?!” said Kat

I taught about playing dumb since I wasn’t really in the mood to answer her question.

“Do what?” I ask

“Don’t play dumb with me Jason you know what I’m talking about”

“Really I don’t” I say smirking

“Ughh! Why did you slam the money on the counter for?!”

“Because the guy was getting on my nerves what else did you want me to do? Batter him?”

“Well no but still”

“The guy had a perverted look in his eyes what else should I have done?!”

“Oh just forget it!!” Kat screams at me getting a few stares from people

I give the guys a glare which makes them turn back around to do what they were doing.

“ok fine I’m sorry sheesh” I say

Kats pov:
I was really getting annoyed with Jason at the moment he was really pissing me off.

“Oh just forget it!!” I shout at him.

Some people look our was which makes me go red. God that was embarrassing. I put my head down to try and avoid the looks people were giving me.

“Ok fine I’m sorry sheesh” he says

I look up at him and smile. Ok fine I forgive you I say. Trust me the face he made after saying sorry made me forgive him instantly it was really cute.

“So you wannah play 20 questions?” Jason says


“Ok ill go first... what’s your favroute colour?” says Jason

“Purple. Um what’s your favroute food?”

“Spaghetti. How about you?”

“Pizza. How long have you been in a gang?”

“Urmm 2 years.  Used to be a normal teen until my brother got me into all this gang shit. At first I didn’t want to but once I got used to it. It was
actually alright. And then a couple of months later my brother died because we was fighting this other gang and well they uh... they shot him. Since then I’ve been the leader of the gang.”

“Oh I didn’t know I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok not like it was your Fault. So how old are you?”

“Seriously Jason?” I say with an eyebrow raised I’m practically the same age as him i think?

“What I really don’t know how old you are.”

“Im 17 what about you?”

“One year older than you” he says smirking.

We both asked random questions about each other and to be honest I could say I got to know allot more about him than I actually taught I would and I think it’s the same with him.

“Well it’s getting late. Shall we go?” asks Jason

I look at the time on my phone and see its already 8pm. Wow! Time fly’s by fast.

“Um yeah sure lets go” I say

We both got up and were walking to the door when....
Bang! Bang!
What the fuck was that! I looked to see Jason pulled me down to the floor and was hovering over me. My heart was beating so fast that I swear I taught it was going to burst out my chest. That’s how I felt. I was scared to death and had no idea what was going on.

“Listen Kat I want you to stay here and don’t move until I come back. Even if someone calls for you I want you to stay here ok.”
I couldn’t answer I was too frozen and couldn’t speak at all.

“Kat do you hear me!!” says Jason

I unfreeze myself and stay where I am. Jason kisses me on my forehead and leaves to god knows where. I blush at what he just did. I know it’s not allot but still it felt nice.
Bang! Bang!
I hear the guns shots go off again.

“Come on Kat we know your here. Come out and we won’t hurt you or anyone here” I hear a familiar voice say.

I didn’t dare move at all. I stayed where I was.

“Come on Kat. If you come out I promise I won’t hurt this little girl here” I hear the same voice say again

I peek out from where I was hiding and see a girl standing there and the guy had a knife against her neck. The girl looked around 5 years old and from the corner I could see someone crying begging for the guy to leave her alone. I think it was her mum. I couldn’t take it. The girl was only small I didn’t want her to die young. I slowly got up and looked at the guy. It was the same guy from when I saw him when I bumped into Jason and he was chasing me when I went to get ice cream from the shop. I think Kyle was him name I can’t remember. I started walking towards him while he let go of the girl and threw her to the floor. He started to walk up to me. The more he got closer the more scared I would get.

“There’s a good girl Kat. Now come with me and no one will get hurt” Kyle says

I slowly start to walk towards him. Once I’m by him he grabs my arm and I wince from the pain. He starts to drag me out and then the words that
come out his moth next took all the life out of me.

“kill everyone in here including that son of a bitch Jason!!!”...

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