the end?

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Jason’s pov:

I was still in my room re-reading the letter.

How could she do this?

how could she do this?!

What the fuck was she thinking?!

What do i do?

I slowly walk down the stairs and start to think.

Should i show the rest of the guys?

Probably should because they also have a right to know.

Just when I’m going to tell the guys i walk in to see the dragons and our gang either sitting or standing.

“Well I’m glad you could join us Jason” says Kyle

“What the fuck do you want?!”

“ *tsk tsk tsk* oh Jason the question is actually when do i get what i want” he says chuckling.

“YOU AINT FUCKING GETTING HER!” and by this point i had my gun pointing at his head.

Suddenly everyone from my crew and Kyle’s crew flipped out there guns.

“You willing to do this Jason? Because i don’t mind”

“you know maybe... just maybe if i kill you right now i can end this once and for all but there’s a reason i aint going to do that”
Everyone from my gang looked at me confused and so did Kyle.

“Jason what the hell are you on about we made a plan!” says chaz

“Shut the fuck up chaz he knows what he’s doing and saying” says Blake.

So he knew about this.

“You see i can come up with so many reasons to kill you right now but there’s only 1 reason I’m not going to. And you know that is”
He shook his head no.

“The reason why i aint going to kill you is because I’d rather let the girl kill you since you murdered her mom... you see if you didn’t kill her mom than maybe i would have killed you by now”

“Well what you waiting for go get the girl so she could finish this or maybe we could just take her and then wed both end up finishing this”

“But that’s the point. I can’t get her because she’s already gone”

“What the hell are you talking about Jason” says Kyle sternly.

I smirk and say “oh i think you’ll be finding out quite soon” and with that i soot him in the leg and he drops on the floor in pain.


He lifts his hangs signalling his crew to put their guns down. They hesitate for a second and then slowly put it down and kick it to the side.
I signal for my boys to pick up all their guns and check if they got anymore on them.

After they done that i make the boys tie the all up o the chairs to make sure they can’t get out.

I give the boys a look to go get ‘that something’ that were going to use.

A couple scurry of to go get it and the others stay stood where they are.

“So what you planning on doing with us Mathews?”

“Oh nothing bad yet” i say smirking

He gulps and you easily saw his Adam apple move.

The guys come back with the thing and they all stand behind the guys tied up.

“right I’m going to make this clear to you all. I’m letting you off easily today and there are reasons for that. You will not remember anything
that happened today and will forget everything i said. But i can promise you all one thing. IM going to make sure all your sorry asses are dead sooner or later!”

And with that all the guys inject the liquid into their necks. Except in Kyles.

“So Kyle any last words?” i say smirking

“Yup i will make sure that i get what i want. Don’t worry I’m not going to let you go easily wither Mathews and i will get the girl”

“Cool story bro” i say smirking. A

And with that i stick the needle in his neck and soon all of them are gone.

“Ok chaz, tyler, ayden and Alex. I want you all to go drive them into the woods or somewhere far away from here and make sure no one sees you. Than sick another driver in front of the wheel and drive back here. Oh and Blake, you come with me i need to talk to you” i say sternly.

Blake’s pov:

“...Oh and Blake, you come with me i need to talk to you” says Jason

I knew exactly what he meant by this. He wanted to talk about Kat leaving. He knew i know. And i knew this wasn’t going to end well.

Jason’s pov:

“You knew she was leaving didn’t you” i say with no emotion.

We were in the meeting room.

“Yeah man” he says with disappointment

“So why didn’t you stop her?”

“Because i knew there was nothing i could say that would make hr change her mind. She even told me herself she couldn’t change her mind because she taught about it too much already”

“Well you could have tried!!!!” i said getting angry

“I did man! I tried to make her stay but she wouldn’t! She has her reasons for going! Threes was nothing i could do!” he shouts

As much as i told myself he was wrong i knew in all honesty he was right about what he said.

Look man I’m going to tell you what i told her. She’s doing the wrong thing for the right reasons”

I knew exactly what he meant. I nodded in agreement.

“Don’t worry bro I’m sure she’s going to be fine. And she’s strong so she’s gong to get through it”

“i know man but... i.... i.... i love her”

“Don’t worry dude she’s going to back. Maybe not now. Maybe not in a couple of months or maybe years but i know she’ll be back. Just hold on for her and for us”


“And that’s exactly what you’re doing by letting her go and letting her live her life and letting her get what she wants” he says patting my back.

I knew he was right. I knew what she did was wrong but right too.

She may be gone but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to break my promise. Because like Blake said. I was protecting her. By letting her do
what she thinks is right.

I just hope she’s strong enough to make it through all the bad things coming her way. We may be the world’s most wanted criminals but i bet soon it’s going to be her...

i hope this isnt the end tough.

but what if it is jason?

as much as i didnt want to listen to that little voice in my head what if really was?...

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