changing my ways for you guys

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Jason’s pov:

It’s been a couple of day since Kats talked to us or even come out the room. She won’t come out or talk to anyone. I’m getting really worried about her. I miss her beautiful smile. And her happy self. I miss the way she would pout if you would say no to something she wanted. I missed her laugh. I just missed her all together. I know I’m falling hard for her and i also know there’s nothing we can do to stop that from happening. I aint even afraid to admit that I’m falling for her because there’s nothing i can do about it.
What Kyle did was just fucking messed up. I’m still pissed at what he did. Who the fuck does he think he is to even kill her mom. He’s going to pay. And he’s going to pay big time.

I was knocked out my taught by chaz calling me.


“What’s up chaz?”

“We’ve got bad news boss” he says while frowning

I gave him a look to say ‘go on’

“It’s the dragons” he says

(The dragons are Kyle’s gang)

“What the fuck do they want now!?”

“Boss we all know what they want.”

I knew he was right. We all know there coming to get Kat. But i aint going to let that happen.

“Yes and I’m not going to let them get her because today is the day Kyle is going to die and pay for what he did to Kats mom”

Don’t worry Kat I Will Protect You!

Kats pov:

It’s been a couple of days since I’ve been in this room. I haven’t moved from here. Almost everyone has come up more than 3 times to ask if I’m ok. I mean look at me who would be ok if there mom died! They knew i wouldn’t talk to them or let them in so they would always leave food or what not at the door. I knew that I’ve spent too long crying and grieving and that now it’s time to do something. I know if i told this to Jason he would be mad and not let me go. I know he’ll do everything he can to make me stay. I don’t blame him though. If i was in his position i would do the same. I miss him so much. I miss the way he would hug me and tell me everything’s going to be ok while i soaked his shirt. I even miss the rest of the guys. I would stay here and join this gang and get revenge but i know it’s going to be hard and people will die and i don’t want any of them people to be this gang. Because most of the guys except for Jason are like my brothers. I can’t risk these people’s lives just to get revenge. So I’ve decided. I’m going to leave a note in the night and then I’m going to go home and pack my things and move away from here and then start to plan my revenge. It’s going to be tough but i need to do this. Today is the last day i stay here, so i might as well spend it with the people i love. I know I’m going to have to put a fake smile and show everyone that I’m fine even though i aint but it’s going to be worth it. I know it will. I also know that I’m slowly falling for Jason but i can’t let that happen. I can’t let myself fall for him because if i do ill just hurt him and myself. There are also other reasons on why i cant but that’s not important right now.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

Once i was done i picked out some clothes and put them on. I’ve had a couple of clothes which Jason did bring from my house while i was too busy crying. But like i said that all stops today.

Once i got changed i slowly started walking downstairs.

Once i was nearly at the bottom i took a deep breath and then exhaled and walked down.

“Hey guys” i said in a happy vice even though it was fake.

They all stared at me shocked.

“What have i got something on my face?” i ask trying to lighten up the mood

“U-um no” says Blake

“Ok ok then” i says happily skipping over to the love seat.

“So what’s up guys?” i ask

“Urmm..... Nothing much” says chaz


“Kat are you ok?” asks Jason

“Yup never been better” i reply.

“So what you guys doing today?” i ask them

“Um nothing really why?” says Jason

“GREAT! Well let’s see... you’re all free. I’m not doing anything so let’s urmm... OH I KNOW! Let’s go bowling” i say trying to act like I’m

“Kat are you sure your ok?” asks Blake

I know it’s going to come out and i don’t want to lie so i might as well tell them abit of the reason.

“Look guys i know what happened with my mom and everything was sad. Heck it was the worst thing that’s ever happened in my life. So i
just want to spend the day with you guys forgetting my worries and all” i say smiling at the end
What? I wasn’t lying honestly. Maybe i never told them the real reason but this wasn’t a lie either i really did want to just forget my worried for the day and hang out with them.

“Um ok then. Come on guys lets go get ready” says Jason

“GREAT!!! Thank you” i say to Jason hugging him

“HEY! WHERES MY HUG???!!!” says Blake

“It’s right here” i say opening my arms out for him.

“Hey what about mine?” says chaz pouting.

“If i give everyone a hug will you all go get ready?”

“Defiantly but i want the biggest hug from you” says Tyler.

So i gave them all a hug and gave a massive hug to Tyler.

“right now go get ready guys” i say

They all go running up the stairs like 2 at a time.

I laugh at their dopiness. Oh how I’m going to miss that.
Just thinking about it i know I’m defiantly going to miss this place and all the guys. We’ve all had so many memories in here. It’s UN believable.


“no Jason stop!” i say to him

He was trying to squirt me with water.

We were all playing with water guns out in the back garden.

“Hey guys why don’t we team up and see that who can soak each other’s team the most?” says chaz

“Yes!! Omg that would be awesome! I want to be the one choosing who i want in my group!”

“Ok ill choose the people i want in my group” says chaz.

“Ok i want Ayden, Alex, Tyler and Blake” i say

“Hey no fair why can’t i be with you?!” says Jason

“Because you squirted me with water” i say smirking

“Fine” he says crossing his arms.

“Ok fine ill take Shane, Jason, Mike, Harry” says chaz

“Ok let’s go” he says

All my group go hide behind a bush while all of chases group go hide somewhere else.

*15 minutes later”

Everyone from my group was soaking wet except me. I was so proud of myself. Only chaz and Jason were left from
chaz’s group.

“Okay lets both team up and then we’ll get her easily and we’ll win” i hear chaz say

Then i hear Jason agreeing with him. I hear rustling from where they were so i quickly hide behind a bush.

“Kat where are you” sang Jason

Hmm they think they’re smart. I’ll show them smart.

I start smirking at my idea i made up.

“I’m over here!” i shout and start to run the other way from where Jason was.

Then suddenly i trip myself over and cry out ‘ow!’ and pretend to cry.

Soon everyone comes running over to me.

“oh my god Kat! Are you ok?” asks Jason

“Does it hurt asks chaz”

I pretend to sniffle and wipe my fake tear away.

“No it doesn’t but guess what?” i say smirking

They both look at me wide eyed and then slowly start to walk back. i then quickly run and start to squirt them both.
Once I’m finished i look at them both soaking wet as if they went swimming in their clothes.

“I WIN!” i shout

I couldn’t stop laughing it was so funny how they fell for it.

“Don’t worry one day we’ll get you back” says Jason

“Yeah ill be waiting for that day”

*end of flashback*

That day was funny. And i remember when we went to eat at this place and Tyler dared Shane to ask for this girl’s number. And he did and she slapped him on the face. That was just epic!. And even that day when Jason and all of us went to the mall and he made out with a dummy in front of everyone.

Those days I’m going to miss so much.

I was snapped out of my daydream when i saw a hand being waved in front of my face. I look up to see Jason. Oh how I’m going to miss this guy!

“What’s up Jason?” i say

“Are you sure you’re ok Kat?” he asks

“Yeah I’m fine don’t worry about me Jason I’m as good as i can be2 i say faking my happiness. But i could still tell he didn’t buy it.

“ok guys lets g were all ready” i heard Ayden say

We all walked out and made our way to the cars since we all couldn’t fit in one. I hope this day goes good.

I’m only doing this to save them...

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