Your First Kiss Preference One Driection

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Your first kiss.

Harry: As Harry walks you back to your front door you're amazed at how much of a gentleman he's been all evening, opening doors for you, greeting you with flowers, and ultimately taking you out on the best first date you'd ever been on, even if it was your only first date. While you both stood at the door, his hands awkwardly in his pockets while I pulled out my keys, jingling them a little as we stood there. "I had a good time tonight." You say, leaning in to kiss Harry's cheek. "(Y/N)." He calls as soon as you've turned the keys in your door, giving you access to your home. You turn around but before you can say anything his lips are against yours, his hands cradling your face as he kisses you softly, sure of himself. He pulls away, looking down into your eyes, whispering. "I had a good time too."

Louis: Christmas was your favorite holiday. Being forced to a party you didn't want to attend, not one of your favorite activities. Your friend dragged out from your house and up to the rooftop of a nearby hotel. It was freezing out and you wondered why anyone would have a party on a roof in the winter. Just as you were making your way to get some punch someone yelled. "Mistletoe!" You looked over your head, a patch of mistletoe being held over your head. A small hand held it over your head and when you looked down a pair of lips met yours for the first time, cold at first but warming as they moved against yours. When he broke away he whispered one word to you, his name. "Louis."

Niall: Your first date with Niall and you were nervous. The doorbell rang just as the clock struck seven and you walked over, opening it slowly. He pulled you in for a hug as soon as he saw you and when he pulled away he pressed his lips to yours once, his taste lingering on your mouth. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to get that over with so I'm not stressing about it the whole time." He laughed, bringing on your own. He was contagious and you wanted to kiss him again but you had a date to tend to.

Liam: You and Liam have been out on three dates already and he was yet to make a move on you. You thought he may have been uninterested but he kept asking you out. He invited you to his house for your fourth day, ordering pizza and gathering a collection of movies for the two of you to watch. You weren't even halfway through your first film when Liam hit the pause button, looking at you. "(Y/N), I've been wanting to ask you something for a while. Is it alright if I kiss you?" He said, looking directly at you. You couldn't hold back the giggle that built in your throat at his words. "Yes, you can kiss me Liam. Just know that you never have to ask to kiss me again." You say. Liam grins shyly at you but leans down, pressing his lips to yours for the first time, molding into perfection.

Zayn: The moment Zayn lays eyes on you he knows he wants you. You're only trying to make it to your room in your hotel but the crowd of screaming girls was hard to get through as you'd just happened to come in at the same time as the band they'd all been waiting for, One Direction. You made your way to the elevator, only to be met with five boys. You knew they were the boys of One Direction but didn't make a big deal of it. You weren't much of a fan anyway. As you stepped into the elevator only one of them stepped in behind you, Zayn Malik. Before you could speak he was stepping close to you, his body pressed against yours and his lips on your own, his tongue invading your mouth, exploring. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. He pulled away from you, slightly out of breath. "I'll meet you downstairs at seven for dinner." He said, stepping out quickly.

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