The magic number is 7

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- Books
- Years of school
- horcruxes
- Weasley children
- Potters
- Players in Quidditch
- 700 fouls in Quidditch
- Floors at Hogwarts
- Tasks in Philosopher's Stone
- Secret passages to Hogsmeade
- is Harry's Quidditch
- Prisoners in Malfoy Manor
- Locks on Moody's truck
- Registered animagi in 20th century
- Harry and Ron both got 7 owls
- Gryffindor common room is on the 7th floor
-Lily and James began dating in 7th year
- Snakes on the door of Chamber of Secrets
- Dumbledore puts out 7 lights in Privet Drive
- Harry and Neville are born in the 7th month
- Voldemort tried and failed to kill Harry 7 times.

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