Chapter 1 - The Secret Door

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Chapter 1 – The Secret Door

Stephanie was sitting on her bed on top of her happy yellow bedspread, but she didn’t feel cheery. She felt blue. All because her parents had sent her to bed when she wasn’t even tired. What she really wanted to do was go for ice cream.

She decided that when she was grown up, she would let her children go to bed whenever they wanted. She would also take them for ice cream whenever they wanted to go.

So here she was sitting on her bed. She was brushing her long light brown hair. She was average. At least as average as anyone she knew. She had her problems just like anyone else. Most of her trouble was caused by her parents. They were always telling her what to do.

She was going to get her parents a back. If they were going to send her to bed this early, then she would teach them a lesson. She would run away.

Stephanie put on her favorite outfit. It was her brand new purple one. But even that didn’t cheer her up. She was ready to leave but she needed to get her coat.

She went to her closet to get it. It was blue. It definitely matched her mood. It also matched her eyes and she thought that was kind of neat. She couldn’t find it! Stephanie wondered if anything was going to go right.

She knew that she had put it in there. She had even hung it up. She could think of no other place where it could be. She decided that she would no longer hang her coat because it didn’t do any good anyway. Maybe it had fallen down and gotten kicked to the back of her closet. To her surprise she felt something strange.

It felt like a piece of metal stuck to the floor. Stephanie decided that she better crawl back and find out what it was.

She had crawled back as far as she could go. It was hard to see because her hanging clothes blocked the light. She grabbed hold of the piece of metal and pulled, but it didn’t budge. She crept back out a little to make it easier to pull.

Suddenly the metal and the wood that it was stuck to, broke loose. She fell on her behind. She was in a state of shock for a minute.

When she realized what had happened, she crept forward to look down in the hole that she had created. It was bigger than she thought. She lost her balance and fell in the hole.

She didn’t stop when she hit the bottom of the hole. She began to slide down something that reminded her of a sliding board. She was sliding faster and faster. She guessed this would be fun if she wasn’t so scared.

Fear swept over her when she saw something white at the end of this chute. “Oh no,” she thought, “I am going to hit it.” She closed her eyes and continued to fall…

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