Chaper 3 - The Endless Ice Cream

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Chapter 3 – The Endless Ice Cream

Bubbles landed at The Land of a Million Rainbows of Ice Cream. It was more than Stephanie expected.

There were huge tubs of ice cream in many flavors. There was more ice cream here than Stephanie had ever seen. There was more ice cream here than in any ice cream shop she knew existed.

Not only was there chocolate and vanilla ice cream, but there was bubble gum flavored ice cream, too. The bubble gun flavored ice cream was bright blue and hot pink. Stephanie bet it tasted as good as it looked.

Stephanie saw bright red, juicy cherries that made her mouth water when she looked at them. She could have as many cherries on top of her ice cream as she wanted, instead of just one. That is all the ice cream shops back home ever gave her.

She saw tons of sprinkles in all different colors and the colors weren’t mixed. That meant she could have just blue or just red sprinkles on her ice cream.

Tubs of nuts were there, too. Any kind you could think of. There were peanuts and walnuts and more.

Big kettles of syrups offered their sweet treats. She could smell their tummy-tickling aromas. She smelled chocolate syrup, peanut butter syrup, and marshmallow fluff. Her nostrils picked up the scents of syrups that Stephanie didn’t even know were possible. There was a syrup that was almost only sugar.

Stephanie’s mother would never let her ever have this syrup, but her mother wasn’t here. Plus her mother wouldn’t care if Stephanie ate some make-believe ice cream in a dreamland. This had to be a dreamland; there was no way a place so amazing could actually exist.

The only problem that Stephanie had was what ice cream, sprinkles, nuts, and syrup to eat first. “Wow!” Stephanie thought, she would never get bored here.

The ice cream was out under the sun, but it was all the right temperature. There were no bugs or wild animals to get in the yummy desserts.

There was also no rain in The Magic Garden and it was never dark. Stephanie thought this was good because she was afraid of the dark. She would never tell anyone this because then they would call her a baby.

Stephanie couldn’t wait to dive into all that ice cream. She jumped out of the basket on Bubbles’ back and ran toward the ice cream as fast as her legs could carry her. She had this crazy notion that if she didn’t get to the ice cream fast enough, then it would all disappear. She knew that she was being silly, but she didn’t want to take any chances.

When she got to the ice cream there were lots of different bowls she could choose. All of the bowls were bigger than any bowl she had ever previously used to eat ice cream. The bowls were made of hard candy of all flavors.

There were at least a thousand different candy bowls and no two were alike. Stephanie picked a bowl that she felt was made just for her. It was pastel blue with bright pink hearts of all sizes all over it. She licked the inside of the bowl. It tasted heavenly.

She then filled it with ice cream using one of the large spoons that were beside each tub of ice cream. She heard a noise and noticed that the tub she had taken the ice cream from was beginning the slow process of making more to take the place of the frozen treat that she had taken.

Stephanie was wondering what had happened to Michael, and then she saw him a short distance away eating ice cream, too. Stephanie saw that he had accidentally dropped some ice cream on the ground and that ice cream was disappearing right before her eyes.

Michael came over to Stephanie and the two of them worked together. They planned to make the world’s biggest sundae. Stephanie and Michael both scooped in as much ice cream as they could into a bowl that reminded Stephanie of a bathtub. They piled in purple ice cream, rainbow ice cream, even candy ice cream. Many other flavors of ice cream got plopped in too, but there were just too many to mention and there were way too many to remember.

They didn’t stop there. They poured chocolate syrup and some sugar syrup over the huge mound of ice cream. They put at least ten syrups on their sundae, or maybe it was more like twenty. They put lots of sprinkles on their sundaes. They used just about every kind of sprinkle they saw. They even used the purple sprinkles which they were thinking of saving for the next night.

To finish it off they put two cherries on top, one cherry for each of them.

Then they ate the sundae, the whole thing, including the bowl, and they didn’t get full or sick.

They made plans for the next few nights’ sundaes. They were trying to include a little bit of each thing but they soon realized that this would take more than a month.

While they were doing all this, Bubbles was galloping through the empty fields that surrounded the ice cream palace. When Stephanie had shown some alarm about not being able to go see anything else because Bubbles had run away, Michael had explained to Stephanie that Bubbles would return as soon as either one of them called for him.

Bubbles ran off like this to eat the grass in the fields because the kind of grass in The Magic Garden would be any animal’s favorite food. This was good in more ways than one. This ensured that none of the animals in The Magic Garden went hungry or had any trouble finding food that they liked.  

Now that they were done eating, Michael decided that this was a good time for them to move on and see more of the many wonderful things that were in The Magic Garden.

Michael called Bubbles and the Pegasus was standing before him in seconds. Which way he came, Stephanie hadn’t noticed, but he sure had gotten there quickly.

Michael decided that he would show Stephanie the most special place in the whole garden. He knew that he could trust Stephanie because no one was able to get into this magic world unless he or she could be trusted.

Michael and Stephanie climbed into Bubbles’ basket and they were off to what Michael had told Stephanie was one of the most secret places in The Magic Garden:  The Money Tree!!

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