Chapter 4 - The Money Tree

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Chapter 4 – The Money Tree

Bubbles landed.

Stephanie was shocked again at what was in front of her. This was the most amazing tree that Stephanie had ever seen.

Michael noticed the look on her face. He knew that she would like this tree. Everyone would.

The tree had dollars growing out of it like leaves. The dollars were the prettiest shade of green that Stephanie had ever seen. The coins grew out in bunches and looked like flowers.

“This money was the cleanest, shiniest, newest money in the world. It had to be.” Stephanie thought. The dollars weren’t crinkled; they didn’t even have one fold in them.

Stephanie wished that she could have some of that money. She wondered if taking some of the money would hurt the tree.

She walked over to the tree. Some of the dollar bills hanging from one of the tree branches were sucked into the limb. Then the money came out of a hole in the tree’s trunk on the one side and landed in a bowl that was part of the tree.

“Wow!” Stephanie thought. “The tree is actually offering me some of its money.”

Stephanie took the money and put it in her pocket and said, “Thank you, Money Tree.” The tree looked as if it were smiling.

Stephanie turned and noticed Michael coming over, so she took the money back out of her pocket and offered Michael some.

Michael said, “No thank you. I have plenty of money. The Money Tree is very generous.”

Stephanie and Michael talked awhile, and Stephanie discovered that the tree would give her at least one dollar a night. Stephanie only received ten dollars the first time. From now on, the tree would give her a surprise amount of money. This made Stephanie very happy.

She could think of a lot of times that this money would have come in handy. She bet there would be a ton of things she could spend the money on when she got home (not that she was in a hurry to get home.) She wanted to stay here a lot longer, but she realized that she would eventually miss her friends from school.

Now Michael had to leave. Where Michael lived it was almost morning. Stephanie and Michael said goodbye to each other.

Michael told Stephanie that Bubbles was his animal and that Stephanie could have any animal to ride that she wanted. Stephanie was thinking of a dragon but she decided on a Pegasus.

Instantly a Pegasus appeared before them. She named her Pegasus Teardrop.

Teardrop was tall and very muscular. It was white, but it would change to any color Stephanie wanted it to. If Stephanie was feeling rather normal, then Teardrop would turn an ordinary shade of the color she chose. If she was feeling really excited then Teardrop would turn a dark shade of the color she chose. If she was feeling upset, then Teardrop would turn a pastel shade of the color she chose.

Teardrop’s wings would always be mostly white with the base of his wings being a deep shade and the tips of his wings being a soft shade of the color chosen. No matter what color Stephanie chose, his wings would always follow this form.

She hoped that Teardrop would never turn a pastel color but she was old enough to know that he probably would. Besides, why would Teardrop have the ability to change to a pastel color if he wouldn’t ever need to?

She turned around to thank Michael but he was already gone. Stephanie wondered where Michael had gone. She really hadn’t paid too much attention to Michael while he was there.

Stephanie felt somewhat lonely. The worst part was that now Stephanie wouldn’t know how to get out of The Magic Garden when she wanted to leave. She needed to leave in only a few hours if she wanted to be home by morning.

Stephanie climbed on Teardrop and he started off to another place in The Magic Garden. She had no idea where they were going.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2011 ⏰

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