The Choice

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Kirkland House

Arriving home on Tony, Amelia led him into the stable. Walking out her father stood there hopefully. Frowning, she bent her head and walked away. Her mother arrived with her sister in tow.

"Did she succeed in impressing the Matchmaker today," Arthur asked his wife.

"No sadly not, and she maybe never will. But Madeline did. She paired her with the village gardener, Nikolaas. She seems to be happy about it," She answered sadly but hopefully.

"Of course she would. Her and that boy have friends for a long time after all. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was in love with him.  Of course the Matchmaker only makes suggestions of who the girls should marry. It's the their choice for if they should go through with it," He replied with a smile on his face. Suddenly frowning he adds on, "Now if only Amelia could find someone suited for her easily as well."

"We can only hope for the best now," Francine replied looking towards Amelia.

With Amelia

Walking along the edge of the family garden she started to think to herself out loud. "I'm not really perfect at all am I. I can't be what everyone expects of me. I can't take care of a family, I'm not that good of a daughter," she looks down at the necklace in her hands, the one her sister gave her. "I doubt I'm a great sister either. Who am I kidding who would even want me, I'm a mess."

Walking down the path she stopped at the statue of the symbol for her family, a great dragon with it's wings spread out. "I can't be myself without messing up or hurting the ones around me." Taking her hair down she starts to tear up. "Whenever I look in the mirror I see someone who isn't me. This pretty and put together lady that wouldn't be a let down. Someone that people could be proud, but then I look deeper, and realize that it is all someone that I'm not. I'm someone that disappoints." She continues walking until she reaches the shrine of her family's ancestors. Sitting down in front of the largest stone she prays, "Dear Ancestors, please make it so that I can find my way in life without being a disappointment to my family and to one day see myself for who I am." Looking into the reflection on the polished stone she wipes the remainder of the makeup off her face.

Getting up she walks to the bench down the path from the shine. Sitting down she wipes the tears from her face in hopes that it'll calm her down. Hearing the clearing of a throat she looks to her side to see her father walking towards her. She looks away not meeting his face.

Sitting down he says to her, "My, my. What beautiful flowers we have this year," he gestures to the flowers around them, especially to the roses. "But, look, this one's late," pointing out the one in front of them. Turning to her, he reassures, "But I'll bet that when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful one of all." Taking the necklace in her hands, he moves her hair out of the way and clasps it around her neck. She smiles warmly at her father hugging him close. Hugging her back he smiles.

Suddenly in the distance the pounding of drums and the blaring of trumpets is heard. Arthur gets up. "What is it?" Amelia questions while getting up to follow her father towards the house gate. Upon reaching it they notice that Francine and Madeline were waiting. Upon arrival Amelia walks over to Madeline who puts her arm on her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"You girls should stay in here, " Arthur instructed. Walking away the girls hear their mom clear her throat. Looking at her they see her point out the part in the wall that could be used to observe the world outside. Climbing up they see the councilman start his speech.

"Citizens, I bring a proclamation from the capital. The prince of Phildeni and his army have invaded Arionea," Yao projects as the townsfolk gasp. "By order of the king, one man from every family must serve in the Arionean Army." Taking out a list he starts naming surnames. Men come up to take their draft letter.

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