Training Day 1

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First Day of Training Camp

Morning arrived on the first day of training camp. In her tent Amelia was sleeping peacefully. Allistor grabbed the sleeping cricket nearby startling it, causing Amelia to wake up from the noise. "All right! Rise and shine, lass!" Amelia still tired tried to go back to sleep, but Allistor pulled the blanket off her. "Get dressed! We have a big day today, first day of training so hurry up," He orders leaving the tent for her to get ready. Fully awake she starts to get ready. She wraps her chest, then pulls on a shirt she had laying around. She brushes her short hair and puts it up, with what's left framing her face. Finishing up she puts on pants and the glasses. Stepping out she turns to Allistor.

"Am I late?"

"No time to talk." Handing her an apple he continues, "Now remember, it's the first day of trainin' so be careful and don't draw attention to yourself." Grabbing the front of her shirt he asks, "Now let's see your war face." She looks to him confused with the apple in her mouth. "No not like that. Come on! Scare me, lass." She growls at him. "Falling off her he looks up and proclaims, "Now that's a tough-lookin' warrior." Hearing Tony neigh they look over. "What do you mean the troops just left?"

"They what?" Amelia rushes to get her shoes on. Running off, Allistor watches her go before following behind her from a distance.

Training Area by a Large Wooden Pole

Men were gathered in a crowd some of them fighting. Yao was walking back and forth trying to calm down the riled up men. "Order. Everyone order."

One man raised his hand and said comically,"I'd like some fried eggs with ham on the side!"

"Make that two!"

Face palming, Yao walks away grumbling, "Ai-yah, very funny," The men continued to laugh. Nikolaas looked around wondering where Amelia could be. Hearing Antonio speak up he looked in the direction that the man pointed out.

"Look's like our new friend slept in this morning." Walking over Amelia stopped by Nikolaas.

Turning up to his face she said apologetically, "Sorry I'm late, Allistor wouldn't let me leave."

"Don't worry about it. Also assholes 12 o'clock." Looking around, Amelia didn't see anyone until Antonio slung his arm over her shoulders.

"Hello Alfred. Are you hungry?" Amelia looked at him confused until she was grabbed by the front of her shirt. Pushing Nikolaas away Gilbert moved turned Amelia towards him.

"Yeah. 'cause I owe you a knuckle sandwich." As Ludwig tried to stop Gilbert a loud booming voice called out.

"Soldiers!" Looking over they see Ivan walk over with a less than pleased expression on his face. In fear the men lined up. Ivan walks back and forth looking them over. Continuing he waves his hand to Yao to go retrieve something, "You will arrive here swiftly and silently every morning with out complaint and be ready for anything that is thrown at you." Amelia looks over seeing him take off his shirt, lightly blushing see looks forward again. She feels a nudge to her side. Looking up she sees Nikolaas smirking down at her.

"Careful people might see you drooling," he whispers to her amused. Lightly kicking him she pouts.

Pulling out a bow and quiver he starts to walk down the line of men again. "Anyone who acts otherwise, will answer to me."

"Ooh, tough guy." Gilbert scoffs in a low voice.

"Gilbert," Ivan says pulling out an arrow, he pulls it back on the bow. Everyone backs up while Gilbert just stands there. Aiming the arrow up Ivan lets go. It hits the top of the large pole they were gathered around. "Thank you fro volunteering." With a slight glare in his eyes he continues, "Retrieve the arrow."

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