Going Home?

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I'll try and update now every Saturday. This way I'll have time throughout the week to plan out the chapter, write it, and if I remember to do so read through it for grammar and spelling mistakes. Also plot holes. 

With Amelia Along the River

Walking along the river Amelia started to feel tired from the weight on her shoulders. She had wanted to give up again but knew she couldn't. Picking up a bit of speed she walked towards the front of the group hoping that she could end this quickly. Reaching the base of the mountain she stopped for one of her breaks. Sitting down she watched as others went by her and up the trail. Getting up she walked the trail now behind most of the group. She walked for about ten minutes before she tripped not noticing a root underneath her. Even though she hadn't fell her glasses slipped off and disappeared, she would have continued but, without her glasses people would be wondering why she reached the top of the mountain without the thing that helped her see and become suspicious. 'Shit, I have to find them.' Crouching down she moved brush out of the way looking around for the glasses. As she looked around many people passed her till it was just Ivan and Yao behind her.

"Cadet what are you doing?" Startled she turns to Ivan's voice. Pretending to squint at him, answers his question in her deep voice.

"I tripped over a nearby root and my glasses fell off somewhere around here and now I can't find them. I need them to continue." To emphasize her fake need she shuffled her hand around a bit more.

Huffing he turns to Yao, "Continue ahead, we'll follow after we find his glasses." Yao ordered the horse forward while Ivan got to the ground helping Amelia look for the glasses.

Hearing him next to her she turns to him, "I thought you said you weren't going to help me anymore."

"Yeah well this is something different. Last time it was giving you advice, now it is helping you find something that would help you continue with the training." Looking over at her he noticed the star and maple leaf pendants on her necklace, "Those pendants are a bit strange to have together, where did you get them."

Reaching to her necklace she smiled at him, "Oh it's my twin sister's. She gave it to me before I left for war. Every time I begin to really doubt myself I take the necklace out and remember why I'm here."

"And why would that be?"

"My father was originally planning to go but at the last minute I had offered to go instead, he wasn't so happy about it but finally agreed as long as I stayed safe. I knew he wouldn't last long with his injury, during the previous invasion of Phildeni my father's leg was crushed by a tree that was cut down in the forest before the final battle. He could barely walk. He has a hard time walking around now without support from a cane."

"That sounds horrible."

"Yeah, but that isn't the only reason why I am here. Before I departed for camp my sister came up to me and asked me to protect someone here." She ducks her head continuing to search. Turning to him she asks, "Why do you always where that scarf. Even when it is really hot out you where it. I would have thought you would have collapsed from heat stroke by now."

"Same reason as you to a degree. My older sister had made it for me when I was younger, and now I wear it all the time." Quietly under his breath he adds, "It also blocks painful memories of my past."

"What was that I didn't quite hear what you said there?" Amelia questions curiously.

He panics, "Nothing!" Looking to his left he sees something flash in the light. Reaching for it he picks it up and hands the pair of glasses to Amelia," Here you go now let's continue forward." He marches forward with Amelia in front of him.

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