The Past

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I really need a beta reader. Also someone to help with deadline reminders.

With Allistor in the forest

He tried to find a solution to the answer. Hoping that they wouldn't give anything away to Amelia.

Finally he sighed and turned to them, "I guess it's time to come clean with the truth, but you must not tell Amelia what you're about to hear lads. I don't think she'll believe you if you did, it has to be me if anyone else. It's not a certain ability as much as it is a curse, a reminder. I wasn't always a dragon, 30 years back I was human.

"One day while huntin' one of my siblings accidentally angered a witch in the forest triggering a curse. They were going to be severely punished for it, but I told them all to run last minute. I took the punishment and much more. I have tried to break it again and again but to no avail." Looking around at the two's shocked faces he begins to get worried, hoping neither would run.

Finally Nikolaas spoke up with a questioning tone, "What does that have to do with Amelia?"

"One of my siblings, the one that triggered the curse, was her father, Arthur," Allistor confessed to the two men.

The shocked faces grew even more at the last bit of information registered in their brains. "Before you ask, Arthur doesn't remember what happened, the witch wiped almost any memory of me out of existence. The only way for it to return is to break the curse."

"What do you mean by almost?" Antonio asked.

"It's a really long story and hard to explain in detail. I think it would be easier if I showed you what happened that day and you can figure for yourselves." Looking at the two confused men he casts a small spell to show them a live story in a swirl of mist, his memory.

*30 years ago*

A young man with fiery red hair, piercing green eyes, and around the age of 16 was walking through the forest. In his hand was a large bow with a quiver strapped to his back, looking for game that he could bring home to his younger siblings as their parents had died a few years prior. Behind him there were 3 children following him. A girl about 14 with wavy dark brown hair and aqua eyes, a boy around 12 with blond hair and emerald green eyes, and another young boy around 9 years old with wavy reddish brown hair and blue eyes. As they were secretly following the older teen, the blond stepped on a large twig. Notching an arrow the red head aimed toward the hidden group before the girl popped out from the bush.

"Hey watch where you aim that thing will you!" She scolded the teen, her older brother. He relaxed the bow and put the arrow back in the quiver before his face turned to anger.

"Aileen what the hell are you doing out here!? I told you to stay at the house! And don't tell me you left Arthur and Andreas at home alone!" The red head scolded the brown haired girl in front of him. As to answer his questions Arthur and Andreas stepped out of the bush as well and stood behind their older sister. The red head sighed now more angry but relieved.

The blond, Arthur, spoke up, "Sorry Allistor, I really wanted to watch you hunt, and Aileen said she needed some new herbs and berries as the supply was low, and we couldn't leave Andreas alone."

"Fine, but stick close and be quiet, I've told you guys many times how dangerous this forest is." Allistor finally relaxed before sharply turning and notching an arrow. Even if it wasn't noticeable to his younger siblings, Allistor's heightened senses were able to pick up on something moving in the brush up ahead.

"What is it?" The youngest, Andreas asked, looking in the direction that his older brother was turned. From the brush appeared a deer. Allistor pulled the arrow back before he stopped noticing another figure stepping out of the brush, a beautiful white horse with one long horn at the top of it's head. Putting the arrow back Allistor turns to his stunned siblings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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