Its okay

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Krush pov~

We walk into my house at around 2:00 am. I swear I can't with Chance she so damn sexy when she fucked up. She ain't sloppy or loud or a mess like most females. It's like she's perfectly chill, funny asf, serious and relaxed. As I help her in the house she keeps pulling my hair. I unintentionally let a moan slip from my lips and quickly press my lips tightly together, I hope she ain't here that.

"....Khadijah?" Chance said slightly slurring her words.

" Yes princess?" I reply in a low voice only to get smacked in the back of my head as she straightened up.

" Don't call me that shit." Chancy responds face slightly turning red.

"Damn okay....what do you want?"

"I want a.....piggy back ride up the steps." She said so lowly it was almost inaudible.

"Okay" i grip her thighs as I lift her up

"I said piggyback not piggyfront....." She protested

"Well you want to jump and fall be my guest." I retorted. By the way she scrunched up her noes I could tell she's annoyed.

"Your not funny." She pouted slightly mumbling the end when she nuzzled her face into my neck.

I think I'm really falling for ol girl I think to myself as I lay her down on my bed. Damn she's out cold I think to myself as I begin to undress her. And hell naw I'm not no pervert I'm just  making her comfortable. As I put one of my white T shirts on her...

"Kady..." I hate being called that so much but when she does it it's okay.

" Yes princess." I reply softly

"I hungry." She says whining like a child.

" What you want to eat?" I ask hovering over her

"You..." She whispers

I lean down to kiss her  juicy pink lips and msn they are so soft. I make my way down to her neck sucking a biting on it earning soft moans. As I trail my hand down her stomach as the other is gripping her side.

*pop pop*

Before I could even get to enjoy myself gun shots went off. I pull Chancy to the floor holding her tight as the shots rang out. What the fuck man I swear I hate Asia ass!!! I think to myself as I hold a shaking Chancy in my arms until the shooting comes to a halt.

" It's okay baby girl come on get up." I coo as I stand up crawling into bed.

"Chance?" I say as I peek over the side of the bed. On the floor lays a petrified Chance curled up in a ball. Damn that really messed over her I think to myself as I slide down on the floor to comfort her.

"Chance.... Baby calm down." I coo as I pull her close trying to stop the shaking and crying.

All I hear is hysterical sobbing for the next 5 minutes as I rock her back and forth in my arms.

"Baby you want to go home." I ask sincerely

I get a rapid head shake no as she grips on to me tightly.

"Do you want to stay with me?" I ask causing her to pull me closer and grip me even tighter. I really should move us somewhere safer.

"Do you want to stay her?" I ask getting the same rapid head shake indicating a no.

"Good I'm finna take you somewhere nice and safe I promise." I state causing her to shake her head in approval.

After Chance loosens her grip and calms down slightly I speak.

" I gotta make a few quite calls to set everything up, K?" She nods her head as I give her a soft kiss on her lips, then step out to make a call.

15 minutes later~~

Kiing : alright we'll be there soon boss no worries but ummm.....

Me: alright hurry up and make sure it isn't too obvious that your following us

Kiing: No problem you know I got this but aye what if ol girl working for Asia ass

Me: Shut the fuck up she a baby she ain't one of us she sheltered

Kiing: shid I'ont give a fuck trust not nigga or bitch point.....

I really stopped listening to listening to her as the door to the bathroom opened. There stood Chance looking like a deer in head lights all wobbly legged. Before I could open my mouth she ran head first into me gripping my shirt. I'ma fuck this girls life up I think to myself as I sigh warp ping my arms around her.

Kiing: Aye is you listening to......

I hung the phone up ass I kissed my teeth.

"Come on help me pack us some clothes." I say as she nods releasing me. As I move out the bathroom I look back at her only to see her frozen in place.

"Come on baby girl I got you." I say as I walk back to her lifting her up bridle style carrying her out the bathroom and sitting her on the floor in front of my closet.

"Here." I say pulling out two big duffel bags"Put the clothes I give you in these." I say as I start throwing clothes out the closet.

*Kiing in media*

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