Chapter 1 - Seoul

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"Please leave your message for 2 1 5 7 7 7 3 4 8 9 after the tone, BEEP..."

"Hey, mom. I just wanted to let you know that I just landed in Seoul, and uncle picked me up. I hope you are okay, just wanted to let you know. I am exhausted and I try to call you tomorrow."

I then hung up the phone and lay back on the seat of my uncle. "10:35 PM", my phone showed. My had a GPS location tracker, so it showed me the current time. The driver then looked back at me and asked me if I was alright.

"Yes, I am alright."

After half an hour, we reached my uncle's mansion. It looked a palace from the outside, the front filled with flowers and evergreen trees. There was even a gazebo with lanterns around it. The most beautiful part was the dark blue sky, with a billion stars twinkling back. The gates were then closed and then guards went into the security room.

My uncle and aunt opened the door and came down running to greet me, "Welcome honey!", my aunt said kissing my cheeks.

"Hello, aunt!", I shook her hand.

"Hello, uncle!", I said shaking his hand.

"Where is the hug?", my aunt said and then took me in her arms and gave me a big hug. Not saying anything, since it could be rude. I endured it till the end and smiled back. I am not much of a hugger, I literally hate hugs and kisses.

"How was your flight?", my uncle said , putting his arm on my back and led me into the house.

"It was tiring.", I said, realizing I left my bags in the car. I turned around, "Uncle, I left my stuff in the car!"

"Don't worry, Mr.Song will bring it in, anyways you have to leave tomorrow."

Tomorrow? I asked myself.

He then gave an awkward laugh, "Don't think I am letting you stay here for good. It's just for tonight!"

I hesitated for a moment. He know's I can't afford a place, nor can my parents!

"So, where will I live then uncle?", I asked.

"I got you a small rooftop house to live in and you also have to pay your own rent, electricity, water and gas."

I was speechless, he knew I had trouble with money. Was he doing this on purpose to get me angry, I mean I knew he hated my dad and my family, but he is still my blood relative. Then why did he come hurrying to meet me, something was not right.

I was told to remove my shoes and wear slippers that were made for the indoors. They were blue fluffy slippers. "I bought them just for you!", my aunt said. "I hope you like them!"

I then just nodded my head, my aunt sensed I was upset. "Never mind your uncle, he's always like this."

She then guided me to the living room, to meet my cousins. Kim Hong Dae and Kim Hong Nan. Hong Dae was three years older than me, which made him my oppa. Hong Nan, on the other hand, was 2 years younger than me, so I was her unni.

"Hello!", I said waving awkwardly.

"Hey, Maya.", Hong Dae said. He was always having a pokerface expression, he never smiled or got angry. Just a plain pokerface.

Hong Nan was aka Fuss Pot. She always got jealous and never appreciated anyone's feeling. She was also very spoiled by her parents and caretakers. She had to be the most beautiful, the most talented and the person who got the highest grades. She was also preparing for her entrance exam to join the university, where I had to leave my education just to do slavery for my uncle.

Then I was lead to the living room, "I sat and there was rice (Dolsotbap), kimchi and Tangpyeongchae (Nokdumuk(bean jelly), seaweed, beef, and dropwort)

"So, where am I living?", I asked.

He smiled and said, "Yeongdeungpo", I dropped my spoon down and looked at him with shock. Yeongdeungpo was mostly known for its murders since many low-income citizens and workers lived.


"Yes!", said my aunt.


"No, buts!", said my uncle sternly. Seriously, he has a personality disorder. One moment he smiles and the next he's all serious. But, the thing is, my uncle is supposed to make his niece live in a nice safe place, even it is small...

I seriously started hating him more! This is why dad didn't like talking about him. I finally understood, my uncle was a man who took everyone as their slaves and treated his wife and children like royals. While we were thrown on the roads. I clearly remember when I was four years old, my uncle fought with my dad, my dad had some loans to pay and asked my uncle to help him a bit, so one day he will pay it all back. But my uncle refused and this made my parents run to the USA. They were chased by shark-loans. I don't know if they still are keeping track with me, what if they slit my throat in the middle of the night, or worse sell me as a sex-slave?! Okay, okay. Calm down, Maya! Your over exaggerating.

I finished my food and asked to go to my room.

"Actually, I changed my mind", my uncle said.

"About what?"

"You should leave today, to your house."

I twitched my nose, "Why?"

"I feel there is a disturbance in my house. Anyways, come tomorrow to the office. There is a bus station over there, remember to get up early since it can take more than an hour to reach Gangnam."

I just nodded my head, "See you tomorrow, uncle."

He then left to his room, my aunt was really upset. "Darling.", she sighed. "I'm sorry, he is like that. He just likes when everyone does things on themselves."

Yeah, I thought. Only knew how to spoil his family rotten. I really started hating him. I then sat in his Mercedes and closed my eyes, so I can rest a bit. Yeah, but work did I have to do? The problem is, no one tells me anything!

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Okay, guys! I told you it would be long~

Hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned and don't forget to vote, comment and follow :)



(P.S: About the the crime, I got it from Wikipedia. So if anything is wrong, blame it on Wikipedia XD )

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