Chapter 12

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//Christmas Eve//

Lucys POV

OMG OMG OMG MY FIRST CHRISTMAS EVER!!!!!!!! I'm so exited that I'm up even earlier, its 3am in the morning....

I'm charging my vlog camera so today I will have a BIG Christmas vlog, now I know you guys are probably think that I'm not doing vlogs anymore well I thought today will be a good day to vlog since its a big day for me. and its cooler that my family vlogs too so more memories. as I was putting my camera on charge emi woke up. "oh I'm sorry I woke you up" I apoligised.

"nah its ok, I'm to exited to go back to sleep" she said hugging me. "hey lucy, I have an idea!" she said and I looked at her. " what is it?" I asked

"why don't all us girls dress the same?" she said and went to my wardrobe "that's a cool idea but what do we where?" I walked to my closert and looked at my chlothes. "waait remember, mom gave all us girls this t shirt. You and I can wear the red and Avia and Bralee can wear green"

we got dressed into our chlothes, I wore a red shirt witj black skinny jeans and wraped my planted shirt around my waist

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we got dressed into our chlothes, I wore a red shirt witj black skinny jeans and wraped my planted shirt around my waist. Then I slipped on my coversed and put on my benie. Emmi copyed what I did.

I ran down stairs and knocked on avias door, I hearded a moan so it was a signal to come in "here is your tshirt and wrap this around your waist" I aslo grabed her black skinny jeans and convers and put it all on the end of the bed.

I walked out of the room and waited for mom or dad to wake up.


I herd foot steps coming from mom and dads room so I walked out and saw dad getting some water melon "morning" I aid and he looked at me "wow your ready" he laughed "yeah so is emmi" I laughed.

"hey I was wondering if I can drop this off at uncle Casey's, cus us girls are dressing the same" I asked. he looked at his watch and nodded "ok just wear a snow jacket its freezing out side" he said and I ran to my room. I told Emmi so she wanted to come with me, I got my white jacket on and so did emmi and we walked out to the kitchen before we went.

as we walked in we saw dad starting to vlog "heyguys welcome to the SHAYTARDS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!!!!' he screamed into the camera. "and the girls are twining today and so will avia and bralee when they give this to her" he pointed the camera to us. "yeah were going to hers now" emmi said and I giggled.

"wait daddy is coming with you, lucy hold the camera" he said ashe ran to his room.

"wow heyyyy do you like our amazing outfits, and I'm vloging as well so you you should subscribe to me to see it" I laughed relising I just gave myself a promo. "lucy sould u get your vlogging camera?" emmi asked "oh yeah" "don't worry I will get it" she said running to get my camera "thanks emmi" I yelled.

-walking to caseys house-

shay vlogging: so I just texted casey and said were coming so they can turn there lights on so we can see. Look gusy its snowing YAY A WHITE CHRISTMAS, are you guys exitet?

Emmi; dad its cold lets go!

shay: ok ok ok lets go I see there light.

lucy: wow its deep

shay: yes it is and its cold, lucy is this your first Christmas?

lucy: yeah it is my first Christmas!!

shay; yay this will be exiting then

we arrived at there house and we say Casey at the front with blankets and a torch looking for us, "oh hey guys come inside its freezing" he said handing us blankets. We walked inside and I saw bralee, I walked up to her and handed the clothes "your wearing this today ok" I asked "yeah that's fine ill get dressed right now" she said and I followed into her room so she knows how to wear it all properly.

when she was finished we walked out of her room and talked to everyone that was awake...

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