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But no. My partner was Nick. Seeing how there were spare books, I got him one and told him to do the last set of questions while I did the first. He didn't complain, surprisingly, and stuck his head down. I did too. It didn't take us long at all, he was a very smart, capable student if he tried.
Breaking the silence I asked, "who was that girl the quad?"
Without looking at me he replied bluntly, "no one."
"Was it your sister?" I asked be careful to watch and listened to how he responded. I would hate to be on the receiving end of a Nick tantrum.
He stayed silent for a while but then breathed out heavily.
"Yeah she is."
"Is she okay now?"
"She will be." I could sense he didn't want to talk about it, he wasn't making eye contact, he was always fiddling with something and his leg wouldn't stop bouncing up and down.
After a while of silence I could feel his eyes on me.

I turned to look at him and his eyes searched around my face.
I looked at him with a confused expression which he picked up on and spoke softly, "you're not going to ask anything else, that's where your questions finish?" Maybe he did want to talk to me about it then.
"Tell me about it then. Why was she crying." I looked at him with genuine concern, I wasn't asking because I he was making me, I was asking because I wanted to know.

He looked at me, trying to see if he could trust me. I made my concerning look stronger and it reassured him.
"Mums got a new boyfriend, he doesn't treat her or my little sister very well, she didn't want to go home." He said turning away from me.
"But you will be going home with her right?" He sunk lower in his seat and closed his eyes.
"No, I have to work." He really hated himself for that, he wanted to stay with his sister, keep her safe.

I thought about it for a while, "why don't you just take her with you?" He looked at me and thought about it in his head.
"Yeah I think I might do that."
Silence rose between us again as one questioned burned my mind. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, even after everything he's done to me since the beginning of high school and before, I felt really sorry for him.
"Nick...," I said quietly with my throat clenching a little, " how does he treat you?"
He didn't reply, but he looked deep into my eyes and they looked like they were starting to tear up. He made his lips disappear inside his mouth before turning away from me. He didn't reply but I got my answer.
Now I didn't know how to behave around him.

The bell went and he shot straight out of class whilst I took my time.
I went to my locker, then to my bike. I drove the long way home because I wanted to get some answers and clear my head. Unfortunately my bike ride filled my head with more thoughts then it got rid of. I sped home before my thoughts could get worse.

I messaged Oscar like I said I was going to but it was probably really late where he was. To my luck, he was up, he couldn't sleep.
He told me about where he was, it sounded amazing. I told him about what was going on at school and how everything was over here. I missed talking to Oscar, I missed Oscar.
He ended up falling asleep on me, I didn't blame him. I got off my phone and went to my closet.

I spent a few minutes trying to think of an outfit for the meeting before I put my work out clothes on at hit the gym.
I've never done a more intense work out. I was so tired from it that I fell asleep, right there in the gym. It must have only been a twenty minute nap because it was so uncomfortable. I had a shower and grabbed some food and went to the couch. I couldn't get back to sleep but that wasn't my biggest concern.

Nick was. I thought and thought about his situation. If I should get involved. I thought I could at least try. I remember watching a crime show, they couldn't arrest an abuser if there wasn't any evidence. I jumped on my bike and rode to the shops. I found security cameras that Nick could hide around the place and get the evidence. I bought them for him and was going to bring them to school tomorrow.

I Never Believed (not edited)Where stories live. Discover now