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I walked into to see the main cast in nice, fun, regular clothes getting their photo taken. A lady in a black hat handed me a piece of paper with the times of each photo.

They were doing the regulars normal shoot. Then there was the combined which was the new cast, reoccurring cast and the regular cast. They would leave to get changed just leaving the new cast for their fun shoot.
It then repeated in costumes for the show (regulars then everyone then new) and then it was photos for posters and advertising, it was going to be a long day.

I went to hair and make up and was given the clothes I had to wear. In record time I was out and watching.
I was so close to Kaison, I was so close to everyone. While I was watching, Thatcher winked at me and I couldn't help but blush.
Soon Seth, the twins and another girl stood by me. We were the new people in the cast after a few others left.

They took a water break and time to retouch make up. In that time we were introduced to everyone, so at least it looked like we were friends in the photos. Thatcher guided me through to the people I was most interested in and we shared a quick laugh before going in front of the camera.
We had 10 nice, normal, posing shots then 10 silly fun ones, then 5 photos that weren't natural, we stood their being told the exact position we had to be in.

I started in the back with Thatcher and the other normals before slowly making my way to the front with the other new cast. Just before just the nee cast photos they made us breakaway into small pairs and take photos. I got one with most members of the cast, supposedly it was a hint about the upcoming season. Our group photo was nice and fun but quite stiff, we didn't have 5 seasons of chemistry between us.

I ran and got my hair and make up ready for the in character shoot and got my outfit on with a little bit of help.
I wore a blue and white maxi dress and a leather jacket. Everyone else was in blue, white and black too. We joined in for the whole cast photo and took another break before the new cast photo.

In the break I got to mingle a bit more with the whole cast. Thatcher introduced me to more people and stayed for little bit, until it became less awkward. As excited as I was to be meeting everyone, which I was, I couldn't help but notice Kaison wasn't one of the people I met.

The photo for the advertisements was supposed to reveal a lot about the season, I feel like it revealed a lot about be (my outfit was incredibly tight and small). There was one where I was giving a regular the cold shoulder and another when I had my hands around one of the guys. I was really surprised when I was asked to do a very hot looking pose with Kaison, I mean it was literally the first time I met him. I was pressed up against his chest and he had his hands on my back. It was all great fun.

I was exhausted by the end of it. It was hot in the building and I was running around and trying I look good and it was all hard work.
I was walking out of my dressing room when Thatcher stopped me.
"Go put a dress on and come with us."
It didn't take long, i picked up the only dress left, it was a long sleeved black dress, the front plunged down a fair way. It was tight and made me look amazing but I never usually wore anything like it.

I followed Thatcher to a limo at the front of the carpark and climbed in before him. I sat down at the back with everyone else. They had already cracked into the champagne which made them a bit friendlier and more inclusive. I had too glasses before we arrived at the club. The loud music and flashing lights woke me up.

I was one of the last people to hop out of the car. I was standing by the door looking quite lost when Kaison stepped out of the car. He linked his elbow with mine and walked me past the paparazzi and into the club.
We danced and drank and danced some more and when we had enough we went to the lounge upstairs where we could talk.

My people skills were helping me make friends with everyone but I could tell i wasn't one of them, it could take years to be.

I Never Believed (not edited)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt