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"I'm Seth Alexander."
"And I'm Fiona Dempsey."
"And we'll be seeing you on the new season of The Back Blocks."

That was the last line of the video and as soon as we said it together they screamed and tackled me to the ground. They had so many questions and they were so happy for me I couldn't believe it.
"Yes... Yes that's why I have to move." I said as I dusted myself off.
Beth's phone went off and she looked up suddenly. She grabbed my hand and started running towards the oval, Grace keeping up.

I heard music the closer I got and when I saw the oval, it was crowded with tables and blankets and confetti.
"It's a going away party." Beth said as we stopped running. I hugged her tightly and made my way closer.
All the food looked so good but I couldn't eat any of it because of the photo shoot later today. It was a tip from Nicole. No food for 24 hours, the camera adds 20 pounds.

Heaps of people came. Mainly it was just the girls from my year but as soon as the boys heard there was good they came. With them they dragged a few people from other years.
Even Nardia and Valencia and her minions showed up but I doubt it was because they were sad to see me go.

I was carried away by all the goodbyes that I forgot that the interview was online collecting views. We turned the music down after a teacher complained and I heard the sound of notifications going off on people's phones. If anyone liked, subscribed, followed or had any association with the magazine who did the people who did the interview or the show, they would be getting a notification. Or if their friends tagged them in it. More and more notifications were going off but once my phone notified me that the director of the show tweeted to watch the interview I knew everyone was going to see it.

They could've of watched it at home or later in the day but some younger kid that gate crashed my party turned down the music and yelled at everyone for attention.
"Everyone go on The Back Blocks Facebook page." People went and did it and I just shot a look at Beth and Grace. They knew what was about to come. I ran up from the oval but I guess the video reached everyone else because I could hear people saying "that's her" and pointing and looking at me. Some people looked like they were going to come up to me.

Beth and Grace followed me to the principals office and sat with me as I explained the video and the instant popularity and the possibility of paparazzi. My phone kept buzzing in my pocket and I couldn't even read what was happening on my screen. I was getting all sorts of notifications. Facebook messages, snapchats, Instagrams, texts, I was getting heaps.

The bell went and after 6 minutes which was roughly how long it takes everyone to get to class, the principal walked me to my class. I was late and everyone was staring at me. The principal gave a nice little speech and said ale thing privately to the teacher before leaving. The principals speech stopped anyone from talking to me for the first few minutes after she left but Nardia broke that. On her way to the teacher she stopped by me, "hey Fi. I'm really sorry about the whole Valencia thing. She was at the same camp as me she was blackmailing me with secrets we told each other. I wasn't allowed to be talk to you or anything but those secrets aren't even that bad, I'm going to stand up to her."

I just stared at her, of course now she was going to stand up to Valencia and such up to me, now that my role on The Back Streets was announced she wanted to be my friend. I couldn't wait for everyone else to try and be my best friend. (Hint the sarcasm.)

Halfway through class I went to the bathroom and on the way there I ran into Nick. I walked towards him to ask how everything was at home but he walked away.
I called out to him and eventually he came and talked to me.
"Look at you. You're the most popular girl in school until you leave. I was an arse to you since forever so you're not going to keep being friends now. ... um thanks for everything with my family. Don't change." He started to walk away.
"But that's what I wanted to ask," I yelled out, "how is everything at home now."
"Better." He walked away and disappeared down a corridor. He was right, he was an arse since day one but he seemed different now, now that I knew he had feelings and all.

I was allowed to leave for home early so I didn't get crushed by people who wanted to claim they were friends with me.
I climbed into the black car and heard my stomach growl. Off to the photoshoot it was.

I Never Believed (not edited)Where stories live. Discover now