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I stepped out in my long, tight, black sequined dress, it really emphasised the size of my boobs and my butt as well as my flat stomach. The sleeves had cut outs and sequins on it and there was a small train dragging on the floor.

I stepped out of the limo and lights started flashing I walked past them, giving each side a small smile before walking to the area of the fans. I walked up one side talking to people and signing things but then I recognised a face on the other side. I ran as fast as I could over there and reached in and hugged two girls that were standing there, practically in tears at this point.

"Morgan! Kate! It's been a while." Morgan and Kate were two girls I met when I was waiting in a line with Beth and Grace and Nardia to meet the cast of The Back Block a few years ago.
The two girls were nodding and they looked so nervous, it was adorable.
"Did Megan and Nicole come with you?" They were lining up with them as well.
"Umm no they couldn't make it." They were screaming over all the other fans to be heard.
"Let's take a picture." Kate handed me her phone first and we took a few snapchats then some good old fashion selfies.

I moved along taking pictures and talking to fans, trying to meet as many as I could before hitting the red carpet.
I could see the interviewers talking to Tully and Thatcher and Kaison was at the second interviewer, I guess I wasn't that late.

I walked up and took a few photos, not smiling just posing then went to the interviewer. She was lovely to talk to, asked all the right sort of questions, moved on when she saw I was uncomfortable talking about something and did harass me. I walked on, got more photos, did more interviews, most of which were just as pleasant.

I walked up to an older looking lady compared to everyone else I'd talked to and greeted her politely like I did with everyone.
She didn't return it. All her questions were quite personal and private and she tried to bully me into answering them. Kaison, who just had to put up with her not that long ago, looked at me and I looked back with a cry for help in my eyes. Before he could do anything she touched my shoulder to get my attention and started firing even worse questions.

My hands were becoming shakey, my throat tightened, my breathing was becoming heavier and tears were forming in my eyes. I could feel a panic attack coming on. I looked over at Kaison and he looked back. He paused his interview and came to my rescue, he took my hand and walked me to a split behind the back wall.

He told me breathe deep breaths and comforted me my making jokes about the interviewer. When I had calmed down he linked out elbows and went to finish his interview with my by his side.

I absolutely loved the interviewer. She was nice and funny and cheeky but not forceful, she also knew where the boundaries were. She included me in her questions and asked about the possible relationship between Kaison and I. When the interview finished we went and posed for photos. I was standing with my arm around his back, his around mine, and posing to the cameras. He whispered in my ear "you could at least look like you want to be here."
My straight face broke and I started giggling before I whispered in his ear "shush I'm posing."

We did all the interviews together from that point on, we took some photos together and other separately.
One time I was getting private photos, Kaison was still talking to the interviewer but they were both smiling at me.
"She something special isn't she."
"She sure is." I heard him reply and I couldn't help but feel warm inside.

We caught up with Tully and Thatcher at the end and posed for a huge cast photo before we went in. I was going to watch my first performance as Harper Rowe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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