Little Worrier

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Waves. Crashing against the shore endlessly, creating the only other sound on the beach besides the crickets' chirping that you can hear faintly from the small bit of tropical forest behind you. The stars cast a pale light over the beautiful seaside scenery right in front of you and you watch the waves wash over the sand while playing single accords on your ukulele from time to time. You barely take the whole atmosphere in, your heart is so heavy that you can almost feel like it is dragging you towards the ground. It's somewhat reassuring that you are sitting up against a tree, otherwise you might collapse. This whole situation... the killing, the trials, the distrust, it rips you apart at the core. You feel like a wreck, a mere shell, and the urge to just end it all is so overwhelming that you might have already done that if it wasn't for a few people that keep you going. Hajime, Sonia and Nagito - the only people that talk to you frequently and genuinely care for how you feel. (A/N: Sorry, I just love Sonia so I had to bring her up :D) Though right now, they aren't with you and you honestly would rather be alone at the moment anyway. You, alone with your music in a rough situation - that's how it has always been and maybe that's also what helped you become the Ultimate Singer/Songwriter. Music is always able to cheer you up, so you decide to play one of your more unknown songs, just for yourself. That is actually a strange thought to you since almost all of your songs are well-known internationally and have received awards of all kinds, having famous singers beg for you to collaborate with them and truly making you the Ultimate Songwriter.

You begin to sing, quietly and with an unusually shaky voice.

"Little worrier
Lay your head to rest and
Give yourself some peace.
Lines get blurrier... when you make-belief.
Let your clock unwind and let go your mind - this time.

Don't worry!
Little worrier...
Don't hurry the hurt.
Let the moment burn!
And just take your time,
This is your life.
Please don't let your tears run dry -"

You can't continue. During the song you couldn't stop the tears from dwelling up inside you and now it is simply unavoidable for you to cry. You put your ukulele beside you with trembling hands as you start sobbing uncontrollably. This...!! Everything! It was way too much. You are breaking under the pressure and there's nothing you can do.
"Now now [Y/N] ... That was such a nice song. Why did you suddenly stop?" A familiar voice rings out as you prop yourself up with your crazily shaky arms so you don't fall face forward in the sand. So someone found you huh...
"C-Can't you ... see-e that?!" You are barely able to press out the words between your sobs. "L-le-ave... me al-one.. K-ko."
"And why would I do that? You're obviously upset" Nagito responds in his usual carefree voice. You can tell that it's an attempt to hide his insecurity as always. Not... exactly what you need right now. But whatever, at least it's him and not someone like Souda or the rest of the bunch. (A/N: Pardon me, Kazuichi fangirls. I truly, genuinly hate him though.)
A short awkward silence follows, interrupted only by your loud crying, as Nagito probably ponders on what he should do now. You wouldn't exactly deem him a specialist in social matters.
Unexpectedly though, he just shuffles over and first hesitantly, then firmly pulls your trembling body into an embrace. Normally you'd be embarrassed and surprised, especially since you have a major crush on him, but now nothing matters anymore. Nothing but the warm feeling of gratefulness for his action filling up your heart. Genuine compassion from someone else was something that you haven't received in a long, long time.

You two sit there like this for a whole while as you continue to cry on his shoulder. Nagito's actually much better at comforting than you thought he would be. He holds you tight, strokes your hair, planting gentle kisses on your cheeks and forehead and muttering soft words of comfort.
"Shhh, it's gonna be alright. It's okay. I'm here with you, and Chiaki and Hajime... and Sonia too! Believe me, before you know it, your hope will be shining so very bright ... You'll illuminate the dark depths of this despair." His words would sound strange if this is was a normal conversation but right now it made you feel so much better.
"I-I... just don't know... what to do" you wail.
"You don't need to know. Just be you. Your talent... you, the Ultimates, will make it through. I know that much for sure." Nagito sounds quite confident and though his words have just a tiny bit of an obsessive undertone, you ... believe him. Truly.
"Listen, [Y/N]. You can't give up. For the sake of your bright need to continue living as a part of the Ultimates. And also..." he fidgets a little when he says that "... you're my hope." His voice gets a little quieter at the end, then he boldly states with a fake laugh: "Though I know trash like me doesn't deserve to have a hope as pretty as you, hahaha!"
Your tears that have been slowly decreasing during his speech now stop completely.
"Hey, that's really not true..." You pull away from him a little as you feel your face heat up like crazy. "I would really like to be your hope... i-if that's okay, you know.."
Instead of responding Nagito just gently places his hands on your tear-drenched cheeks and leans in to softly place his lips on yours. You feel your face heat up even more, but at the same time, an almost unbearable happiness rises up in your chest. You deepen the kiss passionately and the warm, mushy feeling inside you gets ever so stronger. When you finally break the kiss you immediately nuzzle your face into his chest, too embarrassed to look at him. Nagito chuckles.
"You're so adorable, [Y/N]-chan ~ You know... I've been wanting to do this for a while now, but I thought you had the hots for Sonia or something like that. Ironic, isn't it?"
His remark makes you snicker.
"Seriously Nagito? I mean yeah, Sonia is totally sweet, but I don't like her in that way. I.. I have had a huge crush on you this whole time.." You blush furiously at that straightforward confession yours and at the fact that you actually called him by his first name. Usually you just called him Ko like everyone else, but after what happened you feel that a more intimate address without any honorifics was appropriate.
He rubs his neck and laughs. "Well, to be honest, I'm almost ashamed to admit that I was completely oblivious to your feelings for me..."
"That doesn't matter now" you murmur with a content smile practically plastered on your face.
"True" he adds. After that you fall into a long, though somewhat comfortable silence. You listen to the sea and the crickets for the first time since you got to the beach today while Nagito continues to embrace you and stroke your hair. Finally, after what seems like an eternity to you, you decide that you've calmed down enough to go back to the inhabited area of the island. Noone is probably awake anymore since it's very late in the night.
Even though you try to convince him it isn't necessary, Nagito insists on giving you a piggy-back-ride to your cottage.
It doesn't really take long until he lets you down in front of the small house with the door that has your pixel avatar on it.
"Goodnight [Y/N]-chan." Nagito leans down to peck your lips and then turns to leave but you hinder him from doing so by grabbing his hand.
"W-wait! Um.. Nagito? I was wondering if... if maybe I could sleep in your cottage... I don't want to be alone tonight." You get so embarrassed saying that, you can't even look at his face. Hopefully he doesn't think you're a perv now.
To your relief, he just shoots you a cheeky grin and in his eyes you see a spark of ... longing?
"Of course you can! No need to be shy about that. You're my hope, after all ~" Nagito grabs your hand and before you walk together towards his cottage, the gaze of his greenish-silver eyes meet yours. "I love you, [Y/N]. I mean that." And your heart feels like it might just burst from all the happiness inside you.

Needless to say, you don't actually get much sleep that night.

So that was actually it! What do you think? Leave a comment or vote if you want me to write more :) sorry for kinda making nagito a little ooc in this one.

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