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A/N: Hello and thank you for reading another chapter! This is a new idea that crept into my mind recently and I don't know how I want it to go yet. This might also turn into a series but I can't promise anything. I am also still working on the next part for "The waitress and her stalker", don't worry! I'm just taking my time to make it as good as possible, thank you very much for your patience.

You woke up to the sound of quiet snoring right next to your ear - and a raging headache, paired with almost unbearable sickness. You groaned and pinched your eyes, determined to keep them closed as long as possible despite the fact that someone was constantly poking your shoulder. Wait... Weren't you supposed to be sleeping alone? Waiit, last night, did you - With a sudden shock racing through your body you opened your eyes and turned as quickly as you could - only to meet the pale green gaze of your best friend and crush, Nagito Komaeda, who also happened to be buck naked. To make matters worse, you quickly realized that you didn't wear any clothes yourself. You stared at him in disbelief and he stared back, though, being the faker he was, he only showed his usual derpy grin.

"Yo" he said flatly.

"Yo. Yo?? What do you mean, 'yo'?!" you burst out and jolted up, only to be met with a loud groan right behind you. Wait, no. No, no... this couldn't possibly...

"Could you guys keep it down, I'm trying to sleep...." An all too familiar voice rang out from behind you. A voice that you had come to know and love...You were scared to turn around but you knew you had to eventually. I swear to god....

You slowly shifted your body around in the silky sheets that you now also started to recognize to lay your eyes upon the bare figure of Hajime Hinata, who was, conveniently enough, your other best friend and currently staring at you like a deer about to be run over. As you strained your brain cells to give you some input on this whole situation you noticed how Nagito sat up on your other side.

"Am I the only one who feels like he just got scraped off the floor?" he asked cheerfully but he didn't get an answer.

"Guys. Guys, what are you doing in my bed, naked....?" Hajime asked hoarsely. You gulped as images started flowing through your head, images that made you want to remember everything in detail as well as bury yourself at a remote place where you could never be found again. Nagito pouted.

"Awww, come on! We had so much fun last night and you don't even remember?" Your eyes widened.

"Wait, that means we really did all have-?"

"Sex? Yeah, you can bet on it" Nagito replied and flashed you a dirty grin, making you blush furiously. You felt his word sink into your soul like a bitter taste. You had sex. A threesome. You had sex for the first time in your life and it was a threesome with your best friends. And the worst part: You almost couldn't remember it at all.

"I was quite surprised to learn that dear Hinata-kun over here is a bisexual like me" Nagito declared and smiled at Hajime whose cheeks reddened with embarrassment. "S-Shut up! It's not like I have to"

His words slowly faded as Hajime looked at you. You had barely realized that you were tearing up during the small conversation but ultimately, you couldn't keep your tears from overflowing.

"[Y/N]... Hey, where are you going?"

But you didn't even listen to Hajime's words. As fast as you could you scrambled off the large mattress and rushed out the door, neither caring where you were heading nor for the fact that you were still naked. You didn't care, you just didn't want to see it, didn't want to have to think about the fact that your life was going to change forever.

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