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Huffing and sweating you fell back into the sheets next to Nagito. The air in his room was now warm and moist with both of your scents still lingering and intermingling as you basked in the afterglow. You tried to catch your breath and after a while, you had calmed down enough to speak up.
"That was... amazing."
He laughed.
"That's what I was thinking just now. You sure can be loud. I like that" he added.
You blushed furiously.
"Sh-Shut up! I mean, it's not like it matters since you live alone anyway..."
He tilted his head and furrowed his brows. "Actually... that's not quite true. I... kinda forgot to mention that I live here with a friend." He laughed awkwardly as he saw you gradually growing more and more flustered.
"Hey, don't worry about it. He isn't home anyway. And even if he was, there'd be a good chance that only one half witnessed it."
Now you were completely confused. "One half??"
"Yeah. He's got a split personality. Interestingly enough" - he snuggled closer to you and put his arms around your bare waist - "both personalities are completely separated. They refer to themselves differently and act like polar opposites. Though they share a certain amount of knowledge, their memories are separated, making it hard for him to interact with people." He sighed. "He's pretty much the only friend I have left - and I'm the only one who can handle both of his personalities. That's why we live together."
"Hmmm.." You hummed soflty and nuzzled your face against the crook of his neck. A comfortable silence filled the room until a question arose in your mind.
"Hey, Nagito?"
"How come you're... so good at this? I mean, you told me you had never even kissed before..." You felt him tense up a little beside you.
"... Sorry. I lied about that." He showed his usual fake smile as you raised a brow. "I had a girlfriend before you... about two years ago. I was pretty much forced to learn all of this because of her... but I usually prefer not to talk about it. It was a... rather traumatic experience"
Forced to learn it?
You quickly nodded. It certainly seemed like it wasn't a nice story to tell and you didn't want to hurt him by prying.
Nagito let out a huge yawn before pulling the covers over the both of you.
"How about we go to sleep now? I'm pretty exhausted..." he mumbled while hugging you tighter.
Yeah, that didn't surprise you at all, regarding how... ambitious he had been earlier.
"Okay." You smiled, then pulled out of his embrace to get up and switch off light. He observed you from the bed and grinned at the apparently nice view. Well, you hadn't really bothered to cover yourself up so it was understandable. Soon after, you lay in his arms again, all cozy and with a warm feeling in your chest. You fell asleep quickly.

You woke up as rays of the morning sun seeped through your eyelids before the fluttered open. It took you a short time to remember where you were, but the arms around your torso soon reminded you of last night. You blushed and smiled upon the memory, feeling a sudden arousal when you thought about the things you two did... You turned around in Nagito's embrace to find him still sound asleep. So cute...
You just watched him for a while. When you were alone, he had such a peaceful, genuine expression, even more so when he slept. However, in public, that was a whole different story. Then he'd wear all kinds of masks to hide his fears and anxieties. You sighed and caressed his cheek. You were pretty damn lucky to have him. With that thought in your mind you got up as silently as possible since you figured you could also make breakfast if you were already awake. You couldn't be bothered to put on your sweatpants so in the end you headed down towards the kitchen in just your panties and Nagito's hoodie that you had picked up from the floor. Your mood was excellent to say the least, it looked like it'd be a nice, comfortable Sunday you got to spend with Nagito at home.
Humming happily you arrived in the prestigious looking kitchen. It took a while, but soon you found everything you needed to make eggs and bacon. You even discovered a little kitchen radio that you switched on immediately, only to notice that it was playing a song you really liked so you sang along loudly while frying the eggs.

"We were victims of the night,
The chemical, physical, kryptonite
Helpless to the bass and the fading light
Oh, we were bound to get together,
Bound to get together.
She took my arm,
I don't know how it happened.
We took the floor and she said,
Oh, don't you dare look back.
Just keep your eyes on me.
I said, You're holding back,
She said, Shut up and dance with me!
This woman is my destiny
She said, Ooh-ooh-hoo,
Shut up and dance with me."

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