close to closer |1| infatuation

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A/N: This is not a continuation of Part 1 but a different Oneshot set in the "normal" world without all that Junko Junk (haha get it haha..ha..ha. sorry.)
I didn't want to create a new book for every oneshot I write so I figured I might as well make this book a collection, hence the change of title. Hope you don't mind. Anyway, enjoy!

It was a warm sunny day in June and one could find people in summer clothing all over the city, complaining about the temperature. Still, cold shivers were running down your spine constantly. This had indeed nothing to do with the weather though. The reason for your discomfort was one of the guests in the maid café you worked at as a waitress. He seemed a little older than you meaning he was maybe about 22 or 23 years old. His tall, skinny frame, pale complexion and white fluffy hair made him seem quite fragile despite his over all oddly handsome appearance. You would probably feel sorry for him if he wasn't here everyday to watch you nervously as you served the other customers. At least, that's what you thought he was doing. You could always feel his stare on your back and when you decided to lock eyes with him in order to maybe make it stop he either blushed furiously or looked away quickly. In a way that behaviour was really cute... that is to say, would be cute if that stalker attitude of his wasn't fucking creeping you out. To your own surprise you had been able to entirely avoid ever serving his booth. Up until - yes, up until that fateful day.
"Hey, [Y/N]!" You looked up as Makoto, your superior and co-worker, called out to you from behind the counter. (A/N: For clarification: In this particular fictional maid café male workers are required to wear cat ears and make shitty cat puns, but they only work in the kitchen/behind the counter. If Naegi wears a maid dress or not is up to your imagination xD)
"What's up?"
"Is it okay if you close up the café today? Gotta run some errands for Kyoko and the rest of the bunch since I forgot to do the grocery shopping the last time. They're making me go to so many different shops! I'm sorry [Y/N], I know you work overtime way too often! I'll pay you though and -"
You interrupt Makoto's desperate plea by holding up your hands.
"It's okay, I'll finish up for you. I know how cruel it can be to live together with a bunch of picky assholes" you laugh. Though the asshole part actually wasn't even a joke - Souda, Gundham and Sonia, the three friends you lived with could be a real pain in the butt sometimes.
Makoto shot you a grateful smile. "Thanks, you're a lifesaver. Also, it's only one hour 'till closing time anyway." He threw you the keys, reminding you to lock the doors before you left and then rushed out. You sighed. Well, at least there was never much to do around that time of day. You turned around to see that only one customer was left and got ready to ask if he wanted anything when you realized - it was him, that creepy white-haired guy.

You froze as countless scenarios of being murdered by your stalker ran in your head.
Come on, [Y/N]. Calm down already, he's just some guy who's into you! Surely you're just misunderstanding him.
Clinging to that thought you braced yourself and walked up to his booth with your usual fake smile plastered on your face.
"Welcome to the La Soleil* Neko Maid Café - where we make the sun shine in your heart, nyaa ~ ! What can I do for you today?" you asked in a melodious voice that you always used when talking to customers. You had been working at this place for far too long to still be embarrassed about what you were required to do.
He blushed a little and your worries melted away when he shot you a timid but entirely genuine smile. He really seemed just like a regular guy, nothing to worry about. "I, um, would like the bagel with mozarella and tomatoes please. And also" - he averted his eyes when he said that - "I would like to talk to you for a bit. If that's alright. I mean it's not like I derserve it." He muttered the last part and it confused you so you decided to ignore that remark.
"S-Sure! Okayy, your order is coming right up ~ !"
Keep calm. He just wants to talk. That's really not unusual, this is a maid café after all. Don't freak out, don't freak out, don't -
"Are you alright Miss?" The voice of the marshmallow-haired boy interrupted your hysterical train of thought and you quickly gave him a chipper "Of course!" as an answer before you hastily walked towards the kitchen to prepare his order. You wondered what he wanted to talk to you about...
You left the kitchen with a faint sensation of lingering danger that was making your skin crawl but you shook it off as you served Mr Marshmallow head his bagel on a plate and sat down in the seat opposite to his.
"Okay then..." he started to speak. "F-first of all, my name is Nagito Komaeda. I'm glad I finally get to spend time with you!" He gave you one of his beaming smiles and you felt yourself blush a little while you hesitantly shook the hand he offered you. This was totally going into the wrong direction... It was wrong in so many ways that you thought your stalker was cute!!
"I-I'm [Y/N] [L/N]." Why were you stuttering like that?!
"Uh, yeah, I know that, actually." He snickered and pointed towards the name plate that was pinned to your uniform right above your chest. You felt your cheeks heat up even more in embarrassment.
"A-Anyway!! What would you like to talk to me about?" you quickly shot back in order to change the subject. Luckily, he simply went along.
"Ah, you see... I've been observing you for a while now and -" He panicked a little as he saw your grim expression that followed his words.
"I-It's not like you think, really! You just - you shine so bright. You light up everything and everyone around you... Y-You're really nice and beautiful and I wanted to ask you to go on a date with me but I never dared to...!" As he suddenly blurted out that little confession you found yourself so surprised, you had no idea what to say or do, but he just continues anyway.
"I knew you wouldn't be insensitive towards me or anything. My problem is - me, the trash of this world." He smiled and you were about to interrupt him but he still went on.
"People stay away from me and say that I'm weird. And they aren't wrong to do so! You see, I have frontotemporal dementia which causes me to obsess about ... things."
"Like ... what?" was the only thing you could utter.
"I tend to get quite possessive about the people closest to me. Well, I used to when I still had them..."
"They left me because of my fatal flaw - if having such a thing is possible when I myself am already a flaw on my own - which is also the greatest asset anyone can obtain. Hope. Bright, warm, despair devouring hope."
Nagito was smiling the whole time whilst laying out his story before you in a carefree casual tone. When he started talking about hope his eyes seemed to darken for a moment, making him actually look scary, but when you tried to look a second time it was gone. You weren't quite sure what to say about such a depressing story so you decided to simply go back to the original topic. An awkward choice, but at least better than saying nothing.
"Actually, I would love to - "

You got interrupted by the chime of the bell right above the entrance, signaling that a new customer had arrived. You were about to greet them when you saw who it was and immediately had to surpress the urge to let out a huge groan. Anyone but him...
"[Y/N]! What a surprise meeting you here."
"Stop lying, you know that I work here. So, what do you need?" you answered harshly. Leon Kuwata, the biggest jerk in history, was the last person you wanted to see right now.
"Aww come on, don't be so cold. I was just trying to be nice..." He made a pouty face and then got closer to you, completely disregarding Nagito who was watching the scene with what seemed like mild interest. You didn't think you could expect that much help from him... In the end, he still was just a stranger, so he had good reasons to not get involved with your problems.
"Leon, I've told you this so many times now. You're a nice person and it's not that I don't like you but I'm really not interested" you state firmly while trying to keep your voice from trembling. He was still closing in on you, slowly backing you towards the counter.
"Sweetie, why are you so stubborn ~ I know you want it too..." Leon smirked. You were preparing to defend yourself against him when suddenly Nagitos large figure stepped beside you, grabbing your hand and tugging you close to him.
"I don't think so" he cooed, though despite his words sounding overly friendly, anyone could have heard the possessive and slightly dangerous undertone they had. However, the ginger in front of you didn't seem impressed at all.
"Oh really? And why exactly do you think you're allowed to speak for [Y/N]?" Leon sneered.
"That would be due to the fact that she's my girlfriend. Right, [Y/N]-chan~?" Nagito wrapped his arm around your waist and gave you a big fake smile, signaling you to play along. You nodded hastily, though your mind was completely blank. Was this really happening?
"Psh. As if. Show me some proof." Leon clearly seemed caught of guard but he was apparently still trying to stand his ground.
"As you wish, then." Nagito responded. You couldn't process fast enough what that actually meant, so it took all you had for you not to flinch when Nagito tug you even closer, softly grabbed your chin and moved it upwards as he leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on your lips. Although it was short, he even went so far as to touch the tip of your tongue with his since your mouth was slightly opened in surprise anyway. You were still shocked but you eased into the kiss quite quickly. How could it feel so good when you didn't even know Nagito at all?
As fast as it started, the kiss ended and left you with your face completely red and your heart pounding like crazy. Nagito, however, was totally calm. Leon meanwhile seemed to finally have gotten the message. While grumbling swearwords under his breath he left the café.

Even though it was now way past closing time you and Nagito decided to sit down some more. As he basically devoured his bagel you drank some peppermint tea to calm your nerves, when suddenly a question popped up into your head.
"Hey Nagito? Where did you learn to become such a good kisser?" You tried to keep yourself from blushing as you said that but you didn't really succeed.
Nagito laughed genuinely and you felt your heart beat faster. Geez, he was just too cute...
"You liked it then? That makes me glad. You were the first person I ever kissed."
"Really?? No way! You must be kidding!"
He shook his head. "Not at all. I have never been on a date either... Speaking of which" - he blushed a little and smiled even more - "I believe you owe me one now, right?"

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