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532 22 15

"B-but Sonia! What do I do if he really doesn't like me after all??" You whined. "It's been almost a whole month now since that incident in the café and we've had four amazing dates since then. Four! And to top it off, we text each other every day. I mean, it's perfect! Just why won't he make a move?"
You made a pouty face and dug your hand into the bowl with chips once more in the irrational hope that you could somehow stuff your body with calories instead of self-pity. When had been the last time you were so upset? You couldn't quite remember, all you could think about was him, anyway. Over the course of the last month you had truly fallen in love with your former stalker, Nagito Komaeda. You could listen to him talk for hours, your heart exploded when he smiled at you and you got unreasonably excited when you received a message from him... There was no mistaking it, you had completely fallen for him.
You suspected (or rather hoped) that he felt the same, but the problem lay exactly there: He didn't show that he had any kind of romantic intention with you at all and it was driving you nuts!! What were you supposed to do? You couldn't bear being in the dark for a whole other month, that much you knew.
Your best friend Sonia, to whom you had been whining about your misery for the last half of an hour, shook her head furiously, making her insanely long blond hair whip all over the place.
"No, no, no! I am telling you [Y/N]: That guy has got a thing for you! Just look at all the blushing emojis in his texts!"
She pointed at the screen of your phone.
"Yeah, b-but..."
"No buts! He is just shy, and that is that! You should definitely not give up on him yet. I demand that you -" Sonia stopped in her tracks mid-sentence as your phone suddenly buzzed. She immediately picked it up and moved as far away from you as possible so you couldn't snatch it back from her.
"[Y/N], it is a text from Komaeda-san!" she stated excitedly while desperately trying to keep you away from the phone.
"Yeah, I know! All the more reason to gimme back my phone" you claimed, but quickly gave up your efforts and let Sonia read the text. You watched her nervously while she smiled and typed in what seemed like an answer. You sighed.
"Please don't embarrass me, will you.."
"No worries!" She replied idly while staring on the small screen in front of her. Suddenly, your phone buzzed again and she freaked out almost instantly.
"O.M.G. [Y/N]!!! He is inviting you to Netflix and Chill tonight!!"
"WHAT?!" You made another attempt of taking back your phone and this time you succeeded as Sonia was still swooning. You quickly opened your's and Nagito's chat.

New message from Ko <3

Hey [Y/N] (^ u ^)

Hey, what's up? :)

Well, I was wondering if you got any plans for tonight?

No, not really

I don't have any either so I thought we could have a movie night :D Ive got Netflix and the couch is big enough for two sooo.. of course if you don't wanna thats okay too <///<

No no I would love to!! When shall I be at your place?

You looked at your best friend with what must have been the happiest expression you were capable of and she countered your gaze with one just as chipper. Inside, you were a little confused though. The shy, cautious Nagito inviting you to do something like... that? It wasn't like you didn't want to, he was pretty hot after all... but you had the strong suspicion that he didn't mean it like Sonia thought he did. You didn't have time to ponder about it any further though as the Blonde rushed over to your closet while squealing "We have to decide what you are going to be wearing for that occasion!!" You had to supress a sigh. If she loved anything more than her boyfriend Gundham, it was buying, arranging, designing and sharing clothes with you and for you. Well, that was probably obligatory if you worked as an actual high fashion designer like her...
About an hour later you had finally agreed on tight black sweatpants (you really wanted something comfy) combined with your beloved [f/c] sneakers and a wide teal-coloured hoodie. And even though you didn't think much was gonna happen, you had put on our prettiest underwear, just in case. Nothing special for that long of a decision, but it always took a decent amount of time to talk Sonia out of equipping you with one of her cocktail dresses - no matter what the occasion. You hastily put your long hair up in a bun and put on some decent make-up, you were gonna be late at this rate...

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