18 I | Maula Mere Le Le Meri Jaan

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Life had never been fair to Devyani Reddy. She was a dreamer and life had cut off the wings. Devyani's only fault had been that she was born in the wrong time and in the wrong place.

Devyani was born an orphan. Without connections, power or even a family. She had been seven when she had been seventeen when she had been molested. She had struggled to voice out only to be choked shut. All dreams shut and locked away, she had been decked and married off to the father of a one year old. It was the life Devyani hated. A wimp of a husband. A mother-in-law who terrorised her and all alone, Devyani grew to be the woman she was. It wasn't that she dreamt of being so cold and vile, it was what life handed on a platter to her.

The girl who wanted to dream was locked down in a cage called family. Her weakness exploited. She was 'ruined and lucky'. She was the one who's husband didn't touch her. She was the mother to a one year old kid who she wanted nothing to do with.

Devyani lived her life focussing on her the negatives. Being oppressed by her mother-in-law and the society Devyani had grown to be just like that woman.

Never had she gotten any love from her husband.

Nor her mother-in-law.

She did get unconditional love from Bala, but he wasn't her son. She couldn't bring herself to love him back.

And Subbu?

Subbu was her firstborn. Her son. And she like every mother wanted the world for him.

So she gave him the best - the best education, school, family life and more. Even if it meant stripping Bala of his share.

When Bala introduced Vandita to his family, he had taken her to his mother first.

To Devyani.

Despite numerous taunts and insults from Devyani regarding his parentage Bala considered Devyani to be his mother.

"You're my mother. You raised me. You are my Amma," he said.

How could she love him when he was the reason she lived the life she did?

She watched Bala introduce his girlfriend to the society then and oh, how they loved her.

"Bahut uncha chalega yeh beta," they said.

And Devyani's respect in the society rose.

Anyone and everyone wanted to be with them or besides them.

They were dubbed to have elevated in class and status.

Oh, how much did Devyani want that for her son.

How much did she want Subbu to be in Bala's place.

And then Ishita came along.

The innocent child who hardly spoke.

She was far too young. Far too fragile. Far too loved.

And she reminded Devyani of herself. Of innocence.

And how she envied her for that.

How she wanted to protect that.

And when she watched Subbu grow closer to the child, she didn't care.

She was watching something beautiful blossom.

And Ishita was a bonus.

Not only did come with good genes. But good status, a big fat inheritance and an added bonus was that she was growing to be the adarsh bahu everyone wanted.

She wasn't brash like Vandita. She was gentile.

And perfect.

And for years Ishita resisted Subbu's advances.

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