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"Dude, Gotham is even creepier as a civilian. How do people live here?" Wally shivered slightly as they walked down the sidewalk, staring up at the tall gloomy buildings that surrounded them. "I guess a scary city makes a scary hero. Speaking of which, we gotta make sure the Bats never finds out about this, or we are screwed for sure." He paused when he heard movement behind them. "What was that!?"

"Just pigeons my friend." Kaldur frowned a bit as he watched the birds scatter as they flew up into the sky.

Wally's face heated up a bit in embarrassment. He was jumpy of course..the last time he came here with full confidence, the Joker popped up. That was something Wally did not want to happen again. "Dude..please do not tell Artemis that I freaked out over some pigeons." He pleaded, knowing the blonde archer would give him hell if she ever found out.

"I will not speak of it." Kaldur smiled kindly.

There was a scream of a women not to long after, and both teens on instinct ran towards it, forgetting that they were in their civilian outfits. They stopped at an alleyway where a young woman was getting mugged, a man tugging at her purse. The women continued to scream for help but was instantly shut up when a gun was pointed at her face.

Wally's hands clenched into fists. Maybe it was just him, but he had a feeling even with the purse now willingly given to the mugger, that the women was going to get a bullet in her head no matter what. Maybe if he ran fast enough--

The sound of birds scattering again took both the two young heroes and the mugger by surprise. The mugger turned quickly, seeing the others standing there blocking his way of escape, he quickly held up the gun. "Don't think that I won't shoot! I'll do it!" The mugger shouted, but his hands were shaking. "Give me all of your money and I will let you go--ack!" The mugger fell on his face, a familiar masked figure standing over him.

The masked figure stared at the unconscious mugger's body before grabbing the purse and glancing at the frightened young women. "I believe this is yours." He held out the purse but the women stayed completely frozen. The figure sighed slightly. "I will not harm you, take the bag and go." He tossed the purse to the women, who on reflex caught it. "Try not to walk home alone at night, alright, the streets are far too dangerous."

Wally watched the exchange, surprised he actually found the person he was looking for, and how quick he defused the situation. The figure's voice too. Unlike Batman's, it was soft and kind, slightly cheery like he held a smile under the mask. Wally watched as the women nodded dumbly before running off past Kaldur and himself. The figure turned to leave but Wally spoke up. "Hey wait!" He called, desperate to keep the other there. He wanted answers. Sure, he was glad to see that the other was not dead, and he seemed overall like a good guy..but why not make his presence known. Even with all the media after him, he stayed completely out of the views of cameras.

The figure turned, tilting his head slightly as if he was slightly confused at why he was called. "That voice.." He paused for a moment before walking towards the two teens. "I have heard it before."

Wally gulped slightly. "Well..I get that...I get that a of those faces y'know?" He fumbled with his words, glancing at Kaldur for some kind of help, but the other hero was focused on the masked figure, body tensed.

"No." The masked figure said sternly. "I know you." He stopped a foot or so away from Wally. "The speedster." His voice sounded pained. "I thought I told you to stay out of this city. You are lucky that the Batman did not come to that woman's aid instead of me." He paused once more glancing at Kaldur. "However, I am glad to see that you did not come alone. The streets are dangerous."

"Who are you?" Kaldur frowned. "You are obviously well trained, your footsteps do not even make any sound as you walk."

"I am no one of importance, I said that before."

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